11 Jan

Back on the wheels: Sucrette’s square: two finished projects!!

Goooood morniiiing !

Yes, I’m back on the wheels… After a couple of gray days, light came back again in my life and mostly because of you and your supporting sweet words… Thank you so much my friend for your presence and for being so caring and loving…You’ll never know how much I needed every single word you left in the comments 🙂

During the holidays, I worked on something I want to share with you today…In fact, the two new wips I talked about in this previous post were somehow linked in one new square I created during Christmas time.

Enough talking… let’s see something …I hear you say … ok ok 🙂

With some thin cotton yarn, I’ve made some little colorful granny flowers…

and with these granny flowers I transformed a white lampshade…The same kind of lampshade I transformed back in 2010…Do you remember it?

But this time I used small granny flowers with hot glue…

and I prefer this one:

mmmh 🙂 Isn’t it lovely?

And after I fall totally in love with this colorful granny flower …I decided to continue with the pattern and make it a square, yes, a little square with a 3D granny flower in it…

A little afghan block that can be used to make blankets, scarfs, potholders, coasters, cushions, table runners…etc…A variety of cute crocheted projects from this little square of mine…

 I’m gonna call it : Sucrette’s square 🙂 because it is granny and because it is colorful and because I created it and I’m madly in love with it 🙂

 So, with Sucrette’s square I’ve made these two:

 A white lampshade decorated with little colorful granny flowers…


A rectangle cushion with a green background like a field of flowers to welcome spring 😉 (It is not too far anymore:) )

Sucrette’s square PDF pattern ( a graphic pattern with step by step pictures) will be available very soon in my etsy shop 🙂 Yes, yes, yes, I’m gonna open an etsy shop and I’m totally excited about it!

And also available, very soon, here, to purchase for a very special symbolic price for you my dear friends…

Have to go now…back on the wheels…back to my ripple…and my painting…and and and… so many projects on my head… I wish I had 4 hands and days of 48 hours 🙂

Love you all…and wish you a super day!


Sucrette goes shopping :)

Hello my lovelies!

Hope you’re having a fun week end wherever you are!

Yesterday, like you already guessed from the title of this post I did some shopping! No, no not any normal kind of shopping…MY kind of shopping and I’m soo thrilled to show you what I found with a very very good price!

A bird cage:

I felt sooo in love with this cage and on my way back home I was already planning what to put inside 🙂 yeah yeahhhh!

A parrot? love birds? NO!!!NOOOO! (I sooo hate animals in cages! specially birds ! Aren’t they meant to be free? When I was a kid I once opened the door of the cage to a lovely parrot when we were visiting some of my parent’s friends! I’ll let you imagine what happened next 😉 hehe)

So? did you guessed what I put inside?


I sew them quickly this morning with some fabric scraps! They are not perfect but they are small, colorful and so cute:)

Look at the result: hearts hanged in a bird cage 🙂

The result is much better “live” then on these pics but I can not resist sharing with you 😉

I Love how it looks in its new home surrounded by some crochet goodies!

And did you see the geese? Yes I bought these too:)

Aren’t they adorable and sooo vintage? I keep smiling every time I enter the living room and look at them!

It is sooo good to live surrounded by people and things you love! and I just love every single object of my happy home! I am so blessed!

Sending you lots and lots of happy and colorful thoughts 🙂

See you next time with some new crochet projects 😉

Here the sun is going down and we have a beautiful sunset…

Have a marvelous evening too!



Yellow wood stool before and after and a new cushion too …

Good morning lovelies,

How are you today? We’ve got a beautiful Easter here and the girls are still on vacation for a week…They’ll be back to school on the 3d of May and I’ll be back to my normal not-a-full-time-mom life 🙂

This is an old wood stool I’ve had in my garage …

that I decided to bring back to “life” …with some crochet of course…

I used the Ricco creative cotton with a 4mm hook…Perfect for the flowers 🙂

And while I was working with the cotton yarn I decided to finish a cushion I started months ago…The cushion needed 2 more rounds…and a hand stitch  to a fabric one 😉

Love when I finish small projects…

It’s been a productive week!! (sigh of happiness 🙂 )

Have a great monday!


Because a blanket without a border is not a blanket :)

Good morning sweeties,

and welcome to SPRING, my favorite season 🙂

Here is my very very first crocheted blanket made in 2007 but made without a border… (You can read more about it in this previous post)

and here it is with all its glory with a new shining 2011 yellow border 🙂

Yes, I decided, after 4 years to make a proper border for all my home blankets and they are three…Here is the first one done…will make the 2 others later 😉

It is a very simple border but it makes all the difference…don’t you think?

I am so in love with these two “candle holders”  (I am sure it is not the right word to describe them 😀 but I am sure you understand what I am talking about 😉 )

mmmh beautiful 🙂

One last pic of my stripes blanket…

And now I am working on a new small project…for the living room…

I’ll not tell you what it is…I’ll let you guess…

and I’ll show it to you “done” next time… 😉

And now, my lovelies, I’ll leave you with this cute quote on one of my boxes (I love boxes 🙂 all kind of…)

and wish you a perfectly beautiful Tuesday!



Lampshade: Before and after


How’s everything today?

Two days ago, I felt in love with a white lampshade, a very simple one but so charming with it’s round shaped bottom…I had to have it 🙂

I transformed it my way in my head before even I bought it … and on my way back home I was smiling and singing 🙂 (crazy woman, I know!)

So, I have to show it to you:


I adore the ball-shape-ceramic bottom:

and AFTER:

I took the pattern of these cute flowers from this lovely book that is a must-have ! I recommend it!

You can order a copy from here.

This is a close-up of the pattern 😉

I made it without round 5 which is a dc round 🙂 I am a lazy person…

Hope you liked my transformed new lampshade!

I am still working on my MONSTER but from time to time I love taking a break…

I am also making some paintings and it is really distressful ! I am enjoying it a lot, I’ll show you maybe something next time…

Have a happy happy happy week end!

