Hello there!
January is gone … Here is a quick update to share with you…

My crochet mood blanket 2014 – January
It’s been a good month. Some dark squares here and there mostly caused by the ugly situation in my country. But it was a not-so-bad month for me .
I love how this blanket is turning… I love how I can see clearly the whole month in a rectangle of crocheted small squares π

I love my moody project π

Home wise, a new couch has been bought for the sitting room. Our sitting room is a big one. Now we can lay down all of us five, feets up and curly under warm crocheted blankets π
Yes, this couch is huge… really HUGE… It is a BIG Ushaped couch …

No, you can not see how huge it is… On the next pic you’ll see it clearly π

But believe me my house is not always as tidy as on this pic… This is a very rare picΒ I’ll have to look at from time to time π

And finally this is my poncho coming to anΒ end π It is 99% done and I am now crocheting the last row of its edging .Β A tadaaa post is coming very soon π
I love my poncho and I keep trying it on and dansing in front of the mirror like a stupid teenager π Love can make you stupid I know π

That’s all for now π Thank you so much for visiting!
See you very soon my friend!
Take care
P.S: Thank you so much for your support concerning my heart cushion pattern. It really means to me a lotΒ π
You can find it from now on with the other patterns on the right sidebar of the blog!