Good morning,
Today, I’m gonna show you the blankets of my house…all the blankets have memories and every one holds a certain place in my heart and I love them all…

This blanket was made by my mother as a gift for my wedding in 2004… I wasn’t crocheting then, I was doing cross stitch frames for my new home and I thought to my self: “wow this will take me more than 2 years to make! And I fall literally in love with this blanket which in my eyes is the most beautiful blanket in the world because made with love by my mother who was, and still is, the queen of crochet 🙂

Gorgeous, don’t you think?

I learned the basic of crochet the summer of my 14th birthday but I did not practice enough, just the basic stitches and then, end 2006, I rediscovered this passion called “crochet” and since that time I am still addicted and hooked 🙂

This is my first big project made in 2007: a blanket: stripes made with treble…
I love this blanket which I made before discovering this fabulous world of blogs and inspirations on the net…and every time I look at this blanket it reminds me the beautiful evenings when I used to sit calmly and do, treble after treble, this blanket who is very special to my eyes and took me long months to finally finish…
I think that, with this blanket, I discovered the passion for colors combination 🙂
I crocheted this blanket with my grand mother who is also another queen of crochet, and this is also a very special blanket because the squares were made by her, and me, together, and in 2007 she was crocheting a lot faster than me and this is not the case anymore and this makes me feel very sad… 🙁

Since I was a baby I don’t remember seeing her without her crochet and her yarns and now that she is 80 years old she is still crocheting but very slowly, at her rhythm, with her eyeglasses on and her beautiful painted in red nails dancing with the hook…Grandma I love you soooooooooo much…
and I love OUR blanket 🙂

This blanket was made for my youngest daughter Sarah, 2 years ago, and now that she turned 3, everytime that she is not feeling good she asks for this blanket … and I know, then, that something is going wrong with her 🙂 so this blanket is like a medicine for her and that makes my heart beats like crazy… Love you Sarah …
I presented to you already blankets#5, 6 and 7 in my blog here, in previous posts, but let me just show you one pic of each one of them:
My Country flowers blanket:

My zigzagy blanket (granny stripes):

and finally my 3D flower blanket made for my biggest daughter Christina, who I adore 🙂

and now I am still making Blanket#8: the Monster :D:D
Ufff that was my longest post I think !
Hope you liked all the blankets of my home…

and I’ll be more than happy to see all the blankets of your home too…
Have a beautiful day wherever you are 🙂