Good morning lovely people,
Hope you wake up today in a colorful mood and you’re enjoying a lovely weather too!
Thank you all for your wonderful comments on Melody! She was really happy that you liked her π
We reached already 71 participants to our granny challenge π
The latest participants are:
66- Cunitia
67- Julie
68- Another tangled mess
69- Libby
70- Jude Matthews
71- Vagirl
Welcome ladies to our fun crochet a-long!!
Today I want you to applause our friend AntaraCeletna who has already crocheted 62 rounds and maybe more… 62 rounds !! woooow ! We are sooo proud of you π and her blanket is lovely with beautiful colors π Do not miss it: it is here π You did an amazingΒ job so far AntaraCeletna !! BRAVO!
There is a lot of wonderful blankets on flickr here and on Ravelry here….Go take a peek, it really worth a visit π
Mine has 38 rounds so far and it is very big already…I think it is because the yarn I’m using is a little chunky…

The days are getting hotter and hotter here (36 Celsius) and I have some difficulties putting it on my lap while crocheting π

But I’m enjoying every single stitch …and that what counts π

This is my favorite pic so far:
mmmh deliciosa π
I’m a granny-obsessed-lover!

and as much as I enjoy crocheting I love looking at everyone’s GIANT and love how the other blankets are slowly getting bigger and bigger …
You are making wonderful pieces of ART ladies! Keep on the beautiful job π
Before leaving you today I want you to take a look there π (miammm that is really delicious π ) (Thank you Linda for this very cute link !)
Have a wonderful sunshiny week!