Good morning dear reader,
Yesterday I read something very cute on the net about having difficulties being monogamous and that made me smile because I was in the same situation…Yes, I have difficulties, myself, being monogamous and that is annoying me a little bit…
Of, course, I am talking about crochet 🙂 (where do your bad mind take you??) I have serious problems staying monogamous and working on a same project … until it’s 100% done… I have to begin 2 or 3 projects together…
So, I began, the second leather stool (remember the REmaking of the first one)…leaving all the other stuff, yes ALL, a little bit behind 🙂
and I decided to work on the second leather stool with a very classic design: the granny square…yes, the very classical granny square that I just adore, working every round with a different color and making 4 rounds for every square…
OOOOOh how I love making granny squares, of course, I’ll show you, yalla (that is a Lebanese word :))…

Do you like my new fushia basket-steal for crochet? me too 🙂

Have a marvelous week end !
and see you next time for my zigzagy blanket 100% done:) Hurray!!