Helloooooo lovely people,
I’m here today to announce to you that I AM ACTUALLY LEARNING TO KNIT 🙂 Yes, I started two weeks ago when I bought this wonderful book full of beautiful pics …

It gave me the “punch” I needed to get started …It is simple not too complicated until now…

I’m still practising the very basic stitches till now… nothing important 😉

but I soo want to know how to knit in 3D to make toys, how to increase and decrease, how to make these beautiful “jacquard” style knitting…

Oh I have sooo many beautiful projects in my head that I want to make…It is wonderful to learn a new skill isn’t it?

But tell me…did you learn to knit after learning to crochet?
If it is after (like myself) did you find it easy or difficult?
Which craft do you prefere? crochet or knitting? and why? I would really love to have your opinion on this subject…
Until now, I just love the sound the needles do….this isn’t the case for crochet…I think the music of the needles is very soothing and calming, don’t you think?

I’m spending some time on Pinterest too to get some inspiration…You can see lovely pictures of knitting projects on my board ” knitting” on Pinterest here…
Have to go now…
Thank you so much for your kind words and all the prayers for my little country Lebanon…It meant a lot to me…and we really need prayers…It is the only thing we can do…unfortunately…to fight against war, blood and dark days….Praying for peace…
So a BIG thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you… one by one !
Have a beautiful day!