Making a house your home…
Good morning lovely people,
As promised yesterday, today I’m gonna show you some pages from this delicious book: Making a house your home by Clare Nolan.
I’m so sorry about yesterday evening post, as you received an e-mail and you couldn’t open the link…It was my mistake…I clicked on the “publish” button instead of the “save as draft” one…and you imagine what happened next…a post that was a small draft part from this one was sent as an e-mail to my susbscribers and I stressed as crazy…deleted the post …but the e-mail was gone and I was like: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD !! for maybe an hour…don’t know what I should do…as nothing could be done
So, this is the original post today…and there was no link to open yesterday night…so sorry again for that…
I’m gonna show you here some of the pages inside the book …plus parts of the comments-reviews I read about the book and found useful. Because I have some difficulties expressing myself in English I choose to copy-paste reviews that was like me writing…
“This book is very unusual in that it isn’t about a famous interior designer’s
signature look, and doesn’t only feature the homes of the plainly loaded.
There’s no encouragement to knock down walls, build ambitious new extensions, or
call in professionals. As the title suggests, the emphasis is on styling:
working with wallpapers and paints, furniture, fabrics and possessions to
decorate, organise and personalise your own house.”
“The lovely pictures aren’t the only attraction. I have literally hundreds of
interiors books and magazines, and the text of this one is easily amongst the
most useful. Nolan gives her professional guidance on topics such as zoning,
colour shading, and sightlines, and good practical advice on everything from
floral arrangement frogs to buying mattresses and getting rid of pet smells.
There are clear ‘how to’ instructions, and many of the rooms are deconstructed
to show just how and why they work. Most design books are quickly forgotten, but
this one was an excellent buy and I can see myself referring back to it often.”
“Brought this for my daughter, but found myself hooked to the book. Lovley
phots’s, great ideas, and certainly something that inspires you to put into
practice. Lots of guidance and tips, If you love your home, your love this book. ”
So, if you wish to purchase online this book, here are for you the amazon U.K and the amazon U.S links. Don’t know why it is much cheaper through amazon U.K …
Have a lovely day!
P.S: I’m working on something “easter” today…Will show it to you as soon as it is done 🙂