13 Mar

Making a house your home…

Good morning lovely people,

As promised yesterday, today I’m gonna show you some pages from this delicious book: Making a house your home by Clare Nolan.

I’m so sorry about yesterday evening post, as you received an e-mail and you couldn’t open the link…It was my mistake…I clicked on the “publish” button instead of the “save as draft” one…and you imagine what happened next…a post that was a small draft part from this one was sent as an e-mail to my susbscribers and I stressed as crazy…deleted the post …but the e-mail was gone and I was like: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD !! for maybe an hour…don’t know what I should do…as nothing could be done :)

So, this is the original post today…and there was no link to open yesterday night…so sorry again for that…

I’m gonna show you here some of the pages inside the book …plus parts of the comments-reviews I read about the book and found useful. Because I have some difficulties expressing myself in English I choose to copy-paste reviews that was like me writing…

“This book is very unusual in that it isn’t about a famous interior designer’s
signature look, and doesn’t only feature the homes of the plainly loaded.
There’s no encouragement to knock down walls, build ambitious new extensions, or
call in professionals. As the title suggests, the emphasis is on styling:
working with wallpapers and paints, furniture, fabrics and possessions to
decorate, organise and personalise your own house.”

“The lovely pictures aren’t the only attraction. I have literally hundreds of
interiors books and magazines, and the text of this one is easily amongst the
most useful. Nolan gives her professional guidance on topics such as zoning,
colour shading, and sightlines, and good practical advice on everything from
floral arrangement frogs to buying mattresses and getting rid of pet smells.
There are clear ‘how to’ instructions, and many of the rooms are deconstructed
to show just how and why they work. Most design books are quickly forgotten, but
this one was an excellent buy and I can see myself referring back to it often.”

“Brought this for my daughter, but found myself hooked to the book. Lovley
phots’s, great ideas, and certainly something that inspires you to put into
practice. Lots of guidance and tips, If you love your home, your love this book. ”




So, my lovelies, I can tell you one thing about this book: It is that I felt in love with it the moment I opened it…It is my style: flea markets, the Anthropologie stores, the ‘Domino’ magazine compilation book and Holly Becker’s Decor 8 blog style…the pics are beautiful…the text very useful…and I just highly recommend it 🙂



So, if you wish to purchase online this book, here are for you the amazon U.K and the amazon U.S links. Don’t know why it is much cheaper through amazon U.K …


Have a lovely day!


P.S: I’m working on something “easter” today…Will show it to you as soon as it is done 🙂


24 Feb

Every day…

Good morning sweeties,

Every day, every single day, when the girls go to school and Hubby go to work, I begin my little walk through the house, looking around a smile on my face…

On the living room’s couch, there is always the same little mess, the kind of mess that I adore, the kind of mess I look at and my heart sings with joy…

the proof that we were all here yesterday evening, snuggled on the same couch, together enjoying family life … and this simple pic of my home’s mess makes my heart happy and my soul thankful 🙂

So, I do, every day, what all the mothers and the housewives around the world do, I pick up things from the floor (it seems I am picking all day long things from the floor), specially cushions and I try, as much as I can, to make home a less messy and a happier place to live in….Isn’t it our job ? 🙂

But today, with all the every day’s things I make usually, I have a small extra pleasure to share with you…my Christmas gift from me to me arrived two days ago 🙂 …(yes, the post in my country is soooooooo sloooooooooow…it takes ages to receive an online order…and sometimes you receive, sometimes you never 🙁

But this time, I received the  lovely books I was so waiting for…and I so want to show them to you…

Can’t wait to open them, smell their pages and enjoyyyyyy them 🙂

Hope you have, in your life, every day a small extra pleasure to enjoy… it can be anything…a lovely book… a big hug…a kind word…or a ray of sunshine…

Big big kisses,




Hello Lovelies!

Today I want to share with you a book that holds a special place in my heart…it is on my shelves for quite some time now and I keep checking it day after day … It is the most beautiful decoration book I’ve ever seen (and I am not taking any money for saying that 🙂 hehe )

It is called : “Decorate” and I am sure some of you have heard about it…

It has the most beautiful pics and brilliant decorating  ideas (don’t know if you love decoration books but they are my favorite 🙂 )

It is the only decorating book that I adore from cover to cover…I’m crazy in love with every single page of it…

I bought it from a local book seller here but you can find it trough amazon here… (I think that the cover has been changed…I just noticed that when I searched for it on amazon to give you the link)

and the author have a lovely blog too… go take a peek (it really really worth a visit)

That’s everything for today…(It’s been quite some times that I wanted to share with you this lovely book , if I could I would shown you all the pages 🙂 )

See you next time for the big tadaaaaa day of my daughter Sarah’s Kaleidoscope blanket…Yes it is almost done (I’m crocheting right now the final border round) and it is, I have to admit, B E A U T I F U L :)) really really…

So, stay tuned 😉

Kisses to all!


P.S: For those who are asking about the GIANT Granny Challenge…Yes it is still going on and you can, of course, still join! There is no date limit for participating or for finishing the blanket! It is just a fun experience that we are all sharing together and you can post your pics here or here ! ciao ciaoooo

New wip :D:D

Good morning,

How’s everything today?

Yes, I know, I made a promise to myself to finish my MONSTER before beginning any new project…but I received some Japanese books and I could not resist trying one of the lovely patterns….

I can tell you one thing: The Japanese crochet books are FANTASTICALLY WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL (is that a sentence? :)) I knew this before, because some of you bought already, but when you have one in your hands it is a totally new magical crocheting experience…

and you will judge by yourself when I’ll show you some of the pages…

So, I began, a new cushion…

A Mexican cushion… That’s what my husband name it 🙂

…maybe because of the colors…

So, tell me, do you love the pattern? will it become a nice cushion?

I felt in love with this pattern and, the second I saw it, I began to crochet it:D:D

I took this pattern from this lovely book, I bought online from here.

Really really really if you love to make blankets, throws or even small projects I recommend this book…

I’m gonna show you some of the pages…yalla

This is a throw I will make for sure one day 🙂 (in the pic above) isn’t it beautiful?

So, what do you think?

Have a super tuesday!




Lampshade: Before and after


How’s everything today?

Two days ago, I felt in love with a white lampshade, a very simple one but so charming with it’s round shaped bottom…I had to have it 🙂

I transformed it my way in my head before even I bought it … and on my way back home I was smiling and singing 🙂 (crazy woman, I know!)

So, I have to show it to you:


I adore the ball-shape-ceramic bottom:

and AFTER:

I took the pattern of these cute flowers from this lovely book that is a must-have ! I recommend it!

You can order a copy from here.

This is a close-up of the pattern 😉

I made it without round 5 which is a dc round 🙂 I am a lazy person…

Hope you liked my transformed new lampshade!

I am still working on my MONSTER but from time to time I love taking a break…

I am also making some paintings and it is really distressful ! I am enjoying it a lot, I’ll show you maybe something next time…

Have a happy happy happy week end!

