A grannies triangular shawl
Hello my friend! I am very happy to see you here today. The grannies shawl is easy to crochet. It is made of different joined squares and half squares for the upper part of the triangle shawl. Let’s have a look at a simple drawing to show you the look of the final shawl. As you probably guessed, the final shawl is made of more squares than in the drawing below. This is just a symbolic picture to show you the construction of the shawl starting with the squares 1, 2, 3 etc and finishing with the half squares in the upper part of the shawl (to have a straight upper edge). I will add pictures of the final shawl when I finish crocheting it.
So, let’s start with the chart of the square.
The last round (in black in the pic above) is for the joining. I am crocheting it in cream. (pic below)
And this is the chart of the half grannies. The triangles that we will use to give a straight upper edge to the shawl. This half square is not worked in rounds. After each row you have to cut the yarn and close the row. And start a new row without turning your work. The last row (in black) is actually a round. The round for the joining part.
Now I will show you how to join. After crocheting square 1, you crochet square 2 and join it to square 1 with its last round (round 5 in black)

After the square 2 joined to the square 1, you join the square 3 to square 1 like in the pic below:

Now that the first 3 squares are joined, you have to join square 4 to the others. Please note that square 4 is joined to square 1 in its corner. See the pic below.

Do not hesitate to ask questions in the comments section or on social medias, I will be happy to help as much as I can. Sorry again for not making a written pattern. I still can’t do that.
Thank you for reading.