Hello my friend,

I’ve finished today the baby poncho for my niece Clara who’s six months old…and I’ll put here in this post the pattern if someone is interested in crocheting one…It is sooo simple to make and so cute for the children:) It really makes a great gift 🙂

I’ve already made 3 ponchos…2 in march and 1 now…

The 2 I made in March were bigger (for my own girls: 3 and 5 years old)…

Here they are:

and the last one is for a baby:

For the pattern:
All you have to make is a chain big enough to enter through baby’s head and a multiple of 8: (It is very important that the chain is a multiple of 8!! For the baby I made a chain of 72)
and after that you follow this graphic pattern:

and you continue this way until you crochet the length you desire…
You’ll see, it is very easy and quick!

P.S:Â This below part was added on march 2012:
I want to try here to explain a little the pattern with written instructions. I’ll use the U.K terms. Remember a tr in U.K terms means a dc in U.S terms and a bride in french terms.
To begin your poncho: make a chain multiple of 8 and big enough to enter the head. close it with a slip stitch.
Round 1: 1 tr, 1tr, 1tr, 1 ch, 1tr, 1tr, 1tr, 1ch on every stitch of the beginning chain.
Round 2: Count your clusters of trebles. If there is 16 like in the graphic above you should make now: “3tr,1ch,3tr” on the first ch between the clusters of trebles of round1, then “3tr,1ch” on the next 7 ones, then “3tr,1ch,3tr” on the 9th one then “3tr, 1ch” on the next 7 ones again…
In fact, you should fold your round1 in two. and make two groups of “3tr,1ch,3tr” on each part of your round1…
Don’t know if I’m making myself clear, please take a look at the graph to know exactly where to make your two groups of “3tr,1ch,3tr”
Round3: make “3tr,1ch,3tr” on the chain between the two clusters of 3tr then continue making “3tr,1ch” on each other ch of round2, then again “3tr,1ch,3tr”on the second chain between the two clusters of 3tr , then again “3tr,1ch” on each other ch of round2…
etc etc
For all the other rounds, you should work the same….
When to stop? when you’ll have the lenght you desire for your poncho 🙂
I hope I made it a little clear with these written instructions…
In march 2014, I’ve made two more ponchos for my girls who are now 8 and 6 years old… You can see them in that post right here 🙂

Happy crocheting to you all!