09 May

Cushions, cushions and more cushions!

Goooooooooood morniiiiiiiiiing lovely people!

It’s a BOY!!! Yes, I’m expecting a boy and I’m really really happy about it 🙂 Some of you my friends suggested to keep the surprise for the birth but I can not …I’m too curious 🙂 I can not wait the whole 9 months to know if it will be a boy or a girl 🙂 I have to prepare crochet things too 😉

So, after my two girls (6 and 4 years old) I am very happy that number 3 is a boy 🙂 and I had tears in my eyes when I saw him moving inside me and hearing his heart beats …(I am sooo emotive when I’m pregnant … it is sometimes embarrasing in front of strangers 😀 )

Thank you so much for all your birthday greetings and your lovely messages 🙂 I am sooo lucky to have you all 🙂

Today, I will show you two new cushions I made lately 🙂 Yes, two 🙂 It’s cushionnnnn tiiiiiiiiiiiime 🙂

The first one is a patchwork crocheted one …I showed it to you as a wip…here it is: done 😉

I love it! It is sooo cute…don’t you think?

and then I made a second one inspired by the talented Lucy in her lovely post HERE. A fabric patchwork one ….Oh I am sooo proud of myself 🙂 This is the first time I ever made a patchwork and I love it too … see?

It is not perfect…It is made of small pieces of left over fabric and if you look closer you’ll discover that it is not perfect at all 🙂 but it is a first attempt and, no matter what you’ll say, I am proud of it 😀 hehe

I’ve even added some decorations 🙂

But don’t ask me about the zipper…hahaha…I will not show it to you … It is well hidden and not so nice to look at 🙂

But I promise, that next time, It will be better 🙂

but I love them together…two patchwork cushions…one crochet and one fabric…I thought about making one mixed (crocheted and fabric squares) but I don’t know what will it look like … have to try it…

I’m very happy that I don’t have anymore any beige cushions (the ones that comes with the sofas)… All are transformed 😉

And  this is my latest purchase (the fabric one with the button in the middle)

Oh how I love cushions! I can’t help myself bying and making new ones…It is addictive 🙂

Have to go now… I’ll be far from you my sweeties in the coming week…I’m taking a break with Hubby to recharge our batteries 😉

The girls are staying in their grandparents house and we’ll be on a cruise (Barcelona (Spain)- Roma (Italy) – Florence (Italy) and Cannes France) and then back to Barcelona between May11 and May 18 😀

I am sooooo thrilled about this trip ! I’ll miss you all! But will come back very soon with lots of pics!



23 Jan

Crochet, crochet and more crochet :)

Gooood morninnnnng!

How are you today? Even though it is monday and it is grey and it is raining and it is cold I’m feeling goooood 🙂 Hope you’re feeling the same 😉

This weekend I’ve made the first steps of Love Birds…and I enjoyed it to the max…

little 3 rounds-granny-squares 🙂

the hearts of Love Birds 🙂 I’ve made one with every color of my stash…

You can not imagine the amount of pleasure this new wip blanket is giving me 🙂

and I’ve made some progress on my rainbow ripple too…

I know, I know the colors are too bright…but I’m loving it for this particular reason… A rainbow must have bright colors, don’t you agree? It must brighten up the greyest days of winter !


8 more rows to go and I’ll finish it ! I’ll surely miss rippling with its bright colors… such a soothing effect 🙂

When I’ll finish my rainbow ripple, I want to crochet a cushion like this one. I fell crazy in love with this cute cushion made by the talented Paula! and ever since I’ve kept it in my mind 🙂 She even shared how she made it:here and she crocheted also another gorgeous one! Thank you Paula for this inspiring work!

Go visit Paula, She’s got a lovely blog where she share beautiful handmade cards and gorgeous crochet!

That’s it for today! It was all crochet talking 🙂 Don’t you sometimes feel so grateful because you know how to crochet? 🙂

Isn’t it wonderful that with this small piece that we call : “hook” and  some yarn you can make such beautiful things that make you and your loved ones so happy 🙂 ?

Happy monday to you all!



Mixing between two wip!


It feels always sooo good to start a new project…and it feels even better when you start two 🙂 Two projects started together and hope to finish together …

I’m making two blankets for my little girls (yes, blankets, again, blankets and cushions are my favorite things to crochet and I just can not resist when somebody asks for a blanket 🙂 ) 2 blankets to snuggle under while watching T.V…

For my eldest Christina, it will be a ripple…She chose a wavy blanket and she told me that it will reminds her the beach, the sun and summer time during the cold and grey days of winter ( mature thinking for a 6 years old girl don’t you think? 🙂 )

I took this special pattern from an old french crochet magazine and I just love it … love the small holes that break up the waves …

If you’re interested in having this special pattern I’ll be more than happy to make for you a graphic one…It is very very easy to follow and sooo relaxing to crochet….a dreamy-dream-kind-of-pattern…

“Summer time” will be Christina’s blanket 🙂


For my youngest Sarah (4 years old) she said she wants a blanket full of colors, all kind of colors … “Mummy I want you to use all the colors that you have in your craft room I want them AAALLLLL  in my blanket” 🙂 Well, this is my girl 🙂 She did not choose a design she just wants colors…

so I decided to make for her a patchwork of tiny squares (2 rounds) with all the colors that I have in my stash (more than 30 actually)…

Don’t know yet how I’ll join the squares, I’m not thinking about this right now… just making squares and enjoying… and it is really going fast 🙂

“Kaleidoscope” will be Sarah’s blanket 🙂


I’m crocheting these two blankets simultaneously (is that a word?)…Picking up one color…crocheting 4 small squares for “kaleidoscope”… then crocheting 2 rows for “summer time”…etc etc…and this is really a LOT OF FUN !! Playing with two different projects …

Time to go now…

But before I leave you today I want to thank you for all the sweet messages you are leaving day after day at Le monde de Sucrette  🙂 I really appreciate them all from the bottom of my heart…THANK YOU ! It is really really like a warm and sunshiny good morning every single day for me 🙂

To Wendy: There is no due date for the GIANT Granny Challenge…you can work at your own rhythm without stress and just enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

To Carmen who is our number 84 participant in the GIANT Granny Challenge: A warm WELCOME from all of us 🙂

Have to go now…

Have a wonderful day wherever you are!
