Cushions, cushions and more cushions!
Goooooooooood morniiiiiiiiiing lovely people!
It’s a BOY!!! Yes, I’m expecting a boy and I’m really really happy about it 🙂 Some of you my friends suggested to keep the surprise for the birth but I can not …I’m too curious 🙂 I can not wait the whole 9 months to know if it will be a boy or a girl 🙂 I have to prepare crochet things too 😉
So, after my two girls (6 and 4 years old) I am very happy that number 3 is a boy 🙂 and I had tears in my eyes when I saw him moving inside me and hearing his heart beats …(I am sooo emotive when I’m pregnant … it is sometimes embarrasing in front of strangers 😀 )
Thank you so much for all your birthday greetings and your lovely messages 🙂 I am sooo lucky to have you all 🙂
Today, I will show you two new cushions I made lately 🙂 Yes, two 🙂 It’s cushionnnnn tiiiiiiiiiiiime 🙂
The first one is a patchwork crocheted one …I showed it to you as a wip…here it is: done 😉
I love it! It is sooo cute…don’t you think?
and then I made a second one inspired by the talented Lucy in her lovely post HERE. A fabric patchwork one ….Oh I am sooo proud of myself 🙂 This is the first time I ever made a patchwork and I love it too … see?
It is not perfect…It is made of small pieces of left over fabric and if you look closer you’ll discover that it is not perfect at all 🙂 but it is a first attempt and, no matter what you’ll say, I am proud of it 😀 hehe
I’ve even added some decorations 🙂
But don’t ask me about the zipper…hahaha…I will not show it to you … It is well hidden and not so nice to look at 🙂
But I promise, that next time, It will be better 🙂
but I love them together…two patchwork cushions…one crochet and one fabric…I thought about making one mixed (crocheted and fabric squares) but I don’t know what will it look like … have to try it…
I’m very happy that I don’t have anymore any beige cushions (the ones that comes with the sofas)… All are transformed 😉
And this is my latest purchase (the fabric one with the button in the middle)
Oh how I love cushions! I can’t help myself bying and making new ones…It is addictive 🙂
Have to go now… I’ll be far from you my sweeties in the coming week…I’m taking a break with Hubby to recharge our batteries 😉
The girls are staying in their grandparents house and we’ll be on a cruise (Barcelona (Spain)- Roma (Italy) – Florence (Italy) and Cannes France) and then back to Barcelona between May11 and May 18 😀
I am sooooo thrilled about this trip ! I’ll miss you all! But will come back very soon with lots of pics!