Good morning sweet people!
I really really missed you! Today, a simple post to show you what I purchased during my trip. Please don’t laugh…I have a problem, a serious one, you know, I always buy childish things … I just love childish colorful things and I can’t help myself resisting to the temptation… Every time I say to myself: do the normal thing everybody does, do the normal shopping in normal stores, go see clothing brandy shops and buy normal clothing for yourself instead of buying these nonsenses but this is me… and I can not make “the normal kind of” shopping…
Wanna see what it’s all about? ok!

From Barcelona, I bought this cute little poster. (The original painting was made by a very talented spanish painter but I couldn’t afford buying the original one) and also magnets to add to my collection on the fridge…

I love collecting magnets from every country I visit and I have now several…

I love my magnets … every one of them have a memory and I have a small story behind it 🙂
From Barcelona, I bought also this cute little handpainted owl…

The one next to it (in stone) was a gift from my grandparents and it is very special to me and holds a special place in my heart.
From Italy, as you may already guessed, I bought a wooden “pinocchio” 🙂

to add to my wooden dolls collection 😉

From the frensh “provence”: this cute couple of farmers for my kitchen…

I just love their cute little faces. The tea pot you see in the pic above was a purchase from last year trip to Istanbul.
And finally, from the port of Civitavechia in Italy, this cute little handmade door-key bear…

You see? It is nothing too huge and too important…It is not cool stuff and brandy clothing… It is just small treasures that makes my heart sing with joy… I just cherish objects and they hold special places in my heart specially when there is a small story or memory behind them…
Simple things are the best….don’t you agree?
Have to leave you now and wish you a special day wherever you are on this planet…
Big hugs!
P.S: In my next post, I’ll be holding a small giveaway to celebrate my 1000 followers. That happened a couple of months ago but I totally missed it 🙂 Thank you so much for always being here and visiting and leaving such sweet words…You are the best! That’s why….Stay tuned for next time 😉