Hello! It’s me again…

Good morning my sweeties,

It’s been more than a week since I made a proper post here and I’m sorry for not being so present here these days… I’ve been through an awful week when everybody in this house except me was ill and I was the only nurse on board… Both the girls and even Hubby (my super hero 😉 ) were ill and I can not describe for you how crazy it was for me to take care of everybody with my big big tummy … Thanks GOD today we are all better and slowly recovering …

I want to show you today some progress I’ve made to my baby’s blanket….

All the squares are done 🙂 Youpiiii! I still need to join them together with a 4th round in brown 🙂

I’m loving so much this blanket …

and can’t wait to show it to you done 🙂

I’m really really BIG now…and I can hardly move … I feel like my tummy is like a BIG balloon which will from one moment to another explode like a bomb 😀

My craft room is almost done 🙂 It is now my favorite place in this house…

Can’t wait to show you all the “before and after” pics and there is a lot!!!

Have to go now…

Take good care of yourself sweeties

and see you very soon!




04 Jul

Adding more squares…

Good morning my sweet friend,

Yes, I’ve decided to add more and more squares to “Love Birds” and make it a double bed spread for our room 🙂

Your comments really lifted me up and gave me the courage to make a bigger selfish blanket 🙂

Thank you for your support and your kind words … They always make me feel better and so blessed!

Wishing you a beautiful sunshiny day


P.S: To Dorothy Hermes: Yes, I make 1 chain in each corner… I’m following this pattern to make my squares 😉

To Marie Kiki: J’utilise une laine appelee Nako Vizon qui est 100% acrylique et que je trouve ici a Beyrouth avec un crochet de 4mm!

To all the talented ladies around the world who are crocheting big blankets and bedspreads: I’m sending you a Big HUG and all the courage you need to finish such big projects 🙂 I’m always thinking of you while I’m crocheting 🙂 Kisses!

02 Jul

Do you remember Love Birds?

Hello lovelies!

Great to see you after this week end. Do you remember Love Birds? It was back in April that I blogged about it for the last time … and it was here! 3 months ago…woooow…time flies 🙂

Well, I managed some free time to do some squares for Love birds in the past week…

and they are enough now for a single bedspread … 88 squares in total 🙂 yahooooo!

I’m thinking about making the last round in blue for all these squares and then begin joining them together…

Maybe I should make a single bedspread for my son’s room (the one that is still in my tummy 😉 ) instead of a double one for ours? What are you thinking right now? I’m a lazy lady 😀 eh? hehe

Maybe maybe maybe I’ll have enough courage to continue and make 33 more squares then it will be big enough for our double bed…maybe yes… maybe no… who knows?

I love this pic 🙂 (above) mmmh … crocheted squares of yarn stacked like a big sandwich 🙂

and this one too 🙂 my tower of happiness 🙂

Don’t you love looking at pics of crocheted squares? Or am I boring you? Hope I’m not 😉

Well, one last thing before leaving you today is a BIG BIG thank you to a lovely friend of mine who sent me the most adorable handmade gift… a lovely leather door key…who came with the postman from Paris…

Rosemarie has a beautiful blog that you should really visit here! and she’s one of the most adorable and generous person I’ve ever met in blogland! Merci! GRAND MERCI du fond du coeur Rosemarie!

Well, my sweeties, one last pic of yarn porn before leaving you today…

 Wishing you a wonderful week full of good things 🙂


28 Jun

The baby granny blanket…slow progress…

Good morning sweet people,

Some pics to share with you today about my slow progress on the making of my baby blanket…

I’m on my 26th week of pregnancy now and I feel like I’m a big cow but slow like a turtle 🙂

It is very very hot now here …we’re in the summer days… and I can not stand holding the yarn for a long time…

That’s why I’m so slowly progressing on a blanket which should be finished by now…

I’m loving it and I’m loving the colors sooo much…

This soft doll you’re seeing in this pic is one I’ve made back in 2006 🙂

What do you think about it so far? It is the first time I use so much brown in one project but I like it 😉

Have to go now…

and leave you my friend…

Sending you lots of kisses!


25 Jun


Good moooorning, hello, bonjouuuuur

How are you? Hope you’re fine today! It seems like time is flying for me these days and I’m running like crazy 🙂 I wish I’ve had just a couple of hours per day to sit quietly and crochet 🙂

I’m making progresss on the baby granny blanket but it is a very slow one … I really should be finishing this blanket by now…but with an average of 10 minutes of crochet per day it is quite impossible 🙂

I’m loving the slow making of it…I must confess

Apart from that, life is quite and ordinary…we’re enjoying the summer days…we’re enjoying the “at-home” days…

 and we’re making progress too in our “construction-works”…we’ve already made the walls to divide the space:

Here is my future craft rooms (It has the two windows you see on the right side of this pic and the door on the left) The other half where I’m standing to take this pic is my hubby’s place…We’ll have a big closet in the middle to make a boundary between our two spaces 😉

Now, we’re gonna put new tiles on the floor (I’ll show you, next time, when it will be done)

Have a happy week my friend!
