Fairy tale blanket: 2 rows and 24 circles!

January 31, 2011

Good morning lovely ladies,

Thank you for all your sweet comments on my hexagon blanket… they made me sooo happy 🙂

It is so good to see you today after this busy week…

The weather here is gray, it is raining and I have a sort of very bad cold so I am not at the top 🙁

Today, some pics (I took yesterday when the sky was blue) of my wip fairy tale blanket which will become – I hope so- a bedspread for one of the girls…

2 rows and 24 circles done so far 🙂 looking great don’t you think?

Did you see my new big plastic bowl? (I don’t know if it is called a bowl or basket or something else but you understand what I mean I am sure 🙂 ) Isn’t it cute?

It is the perfect “thing” to use at home while crocheting many colors…You can see all the yarns and choose the color that you want …I am very happy with this and I think it is the best “container” I’ve ever had for crochet…and I can tell you that I am addicted to buying this sort of things 🙂 hehe

I prefer buying yarns and baskets and things for the house etc rather than buying clothes for me 🙂 I think we are all here like this, don’t you?

and now I am working on a custom-made-order of a very cute “thing” for a small princess… I hope I’ll show it to you done this week… so, stay tuned 😉

and have a lovely warm monday!



  1. tejehannah

    Good morning Angie! I’m having my morning coffee and it’s rainy here, too! So your colourful ‘basket’ with yarns and the new crochet are really welcome! They are beautiful and I’m sure that ‘basket’ is the best.
    I wish you lovely week! Teje

  2. Vrolijke Vlaggetjes

    Good morning, the basket is great! I love it and hope I will find one oneday. I’ll buy it at once 🙂 The blanket is becoming beautiful!! Have a good week!

  3. hayley

    Hi! Your fairytale blanket is looking great. I agree with you, new clothes vs new yarn…no contest!!

  4. Suz

    Loving the new blanket…look forward to seeing it progress
    Hugs x

  5. moleymakes

    Your blanket is coming along nicely. Can’t wait to see the finished bedspread. Colours look fabby, I’m sure the girls will love it.

  6. penelope dubois

    Beautiful. Coming along nicely!

  7. Aisyah Helga

    I love the colors that you used for the blanket! And I love your purple container, too! No warm weather for us over here. It has been raining heavily for more than a week now. Anyway, have a great week ahead!

  8. Fiona

    Hi Angie … this morning it is -17 Centigrade here and there is a lot of snow on the way (maybe as much as 30 centimetres) and I’m grumpy as a result! I don’t like the cold and snow!

    Your fairy tale blanket is very pretty – whichever daughter gets it will be very lucky to have it!! You have a lot of patience to make this.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  9. Erica

    That is going to be a gorgeous blanket, and I’m glad you’re having such fun with the colors! I have one of those baskets / tubs, too! Mine is light blue, and I currently have an unfinished granny stripe blanket living in there, along with all the balls of yarn. My wardrobe also suffers from yarn purchases. Ah well.

  10. Dorien

    Again, you’re making a beautiful blanket. About containers, I’m completely the opposite. I have all my yarn in plastic and paper bags, aiming to buy a nice container. But the ones I think are useful, I usually don’t like, because they are quite ugly, and the ones that I think are beautiful, well, they can hold a skein or two, maybe three, and that’s it. So no luck on that part yet. (saves money this way, to buy yarn!)

  11. Gill watson

    Here in the UK we call your basket a trug – I think they’re primarily used in the garden but they’re so useful I have several I use in the house!

  12. Rachael

    Another beautiful piece of work. Yes I am the same regarding clothes and would much rather spend my money on some yarn or something useful and pretty for the house. Rachael Xx

  13. Andrea

    Hi Angie…was just about to say that we call it a trug here when I noticed that Gill (above) already said that! I use them for laundry, yarn stashing, gardening etc….very useful. LOVE the blanket. Strangley, I too am working on one very similar but slightly different! Will blog on that soon xxx

  14. Maria

    Wonderful colour choices, lovely, bright and so very happy colours

  15. Pati from London

    Angie, I’m loving your fairytale blanket. You’ve inspired me to make something similar for my girls’ beds at my mum’s new house. I love the contrast of all these vibrant colours with the white background. I have seen some lovely duvet covers (sets) in the new Spring collection of Zara home. They are white with embroidered dots in different colours and feel that these fairytale blankets would go great as bed throws at the end of these duvet covers. Lovely!
    Pati x

  16. Ambar

    It’s a Happy Blanket! 🙂

  17. Barbara Conner

    That is going to be so pretty when it’s done.

  18. danielle

    je ne suis pas très douée pour écrire en anglais, mais, vu ton prénom et le nom de ton blog, tu devrais me comprendre. Tout d’abord, je voulais te féliciter. Tout est magnifique, coloré, joyeux…..J’adore et ça me donne même envie de me remettre au crochet. J’ai vu que les laines que tu emploies sont souvent l’acrylique, que, j’avoue, j’aime pas beaucoup. Connais tu l’équivalent au niveau couleurs et grosseur de laine avec une laine ????

  19. Gillian

    Angie this is going to be the prettiest blanket, Very inspiring….

  20. Linda

    beautiful! What pattern are you using?

    icy cold in Pennsylvania today!

  21. Jen

    what absolutely stunning work!!

  22. Clara

    What a beautiful production line of prettiness!

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