Crochet, crochet and more crochet :)

January 23, 2012

Gooood morninnnnng!

How are you today? Even though it is monday and it is grey and it is raining and it is cold I’m feeling goooood 🙂 Hope you’re feeling the same 😉

This weekend I’ve made the first steps of Love Birds…and I enjoyed it to the max…

little 3 rounds-granny-squares 🙂

the hearts of Love Birds 🙂 I’ve made one with every color of my stash…

You can not imagine the amount of pleasure this new wip blanket is giving me 🙂

and I’ve made some progress on my rainbow ripple too…

I know, I know the colors are too bright…but I’m loving it for this particular reason… A rainbow must have bright colors, don’t you agree? It must brighten up the greyest days of winter !


8 more rows to go and I’ll finish it ! I’ll surely miss rippling with its bright colors… such a soothing effect 🙂

When I’ll finish my rainbow ripple, I want to crochet a cushion like this one. I fell crazy in love with this cute cushion made by the talented Paula! and ever since I’ve kept it in my mind 🙂 She even shared how she made it:here and she crocheted also another gorgeous one! Thank you Paula for this inspiring work!

Go visit Paula, She’s got a lovely blog where she share beautiful handmade cards and gorgeous crochet!

That’s it for today! It was all crochet talking 🙂 Don’t you sometimes feel so grateful because you know how to crochet? 🙂

Isn’t it wonderful that with this small piece that we call : “hook” and  some yarn you can make such beautiful things that make you and your loved ones so happy 🙂 ?

Happy monday to you all!




  1. Stocki

    Oh my goodness..I know what you mean by feeling so grateful that you can crochet! I feel really sorry for people when I find out that they have no hobbies, and can’t make anything… they don’t know what they are missing! Your little squares are gorgeous and I am intrigued to find out why they are called ‘love birds’! Thanks so much for the links to Paula’s cushions too… as you said, very inspiring! Have a lovely rippley week Angie! :)x

  2. Caroline

    J’aime toujours beaucoup ces couleurs et je suis entrain de faire la même avec du coton et les couleurs de l’arc en ciel. Très bonne journée aussi.

  3. Stephanie B.

    Wow you hav alot of the squares done, very nice and love the colors in your rainbow ripple. Nice job!

  4. wink

    Oh Sucrette, colors can NEVER be TOO bright 😀 The brighter the better! 😉
    ps Not sure if you entered yet, but I have a giveaway on my blog! 🙂

  5. Jenn McClure

    This looks awesome and it sounds like you’ve been busy lately. I can’t wait to see your birds of love blanket done! 😀

    <3 Jenn

  6. paula

    I can’t wait to see all those beautiful squares joined up, they’re going to make an amazing blanket and I’m loving your ripple one too. Also wanted to say Thank You for the lovely comments on my cushions and blog, I really appreciate it.

  7. EllyD

    WOW! What beautiful colour!!! Your new project is going to be so delicious. As for your Rainbow Ripple… well the sun will definitely be shining through the clouds with those colours… BEAUTIFUL!! hugs Elly

  8. Teresa

    Love all the hook and yarn talk. The bright colors are so cheerful. Looking forward to the ripple ta Dah. Teresa

  9. Laura

    Wow Angie your squares are beautiful!!! That Love Birds is going to look stunning. Are you going to join the squares as they are (patchwork style) or put white between them??? Can’t wait to see it. Thanks also for the links to Paula’s blog….stunning crochet! lol x

  10. Julia T

    I LOVE all the bright colors of the ripple!!!! I think colors cannot ever be TOO bright 😉 Also, congratulations on getting so many little grannies done! You are quite inspiring! I have a rather large stash of yarns, as well, and I think I will be following your lead with using what I have in order to reduce the stash before I buy any more. Thanks for your bright outlook on a gray Monday, it is foggy and rainy here where I live, as well, and I plan to work on my own afghan of pink, coral, and green, and also attempt a pair of fingerless gloves for my college-aged daughter, to put in a care package for her.

  11. Alma

    Those little squares are lovely! Would love to try that myself. Cant wait to see your reveal. The rainbow ripple is sure to brighten anyone’s day.

  12. delphine 44

    Eh oui, nous sommes lundi !!! Ce ripple est superbe, j’adore ces souleurs flashies qui redonnent du beaume au moral en ces temps grisonnants !! et encore à Nantes en France il fait très doux pour la saison, 10 degrés !! et pas de pluie aijourd’hui !!
    J’aime également beaucoup tous tes petits carrés très colorés pour ton grand blanket !!
    biz et bonne journée …

  13. Cil

    J’adore, j’adore tous tes granny, toutes ces couleurs, c’est très gai, entrainant.. Il y a de la joie.. 😉 Cil

  14. Debi Y.

    I just love all your crochet – everything is always so pretty and colorful. 🙂

  15. Lauren

    I LOVE all the bright colors…..the ripple is beautiful……it is so inspiring to see the afghan in progress. Thank you for sharing!

  16. heather

    I was just thinking this weekend (as I crocheted in a room of strangers) that it is so cool to be able to take yarn and a hook and create so many cool things! Love it!!

    I am also loving all your bright colors. They are brightening my winter day and I’m not even seeing them in person! Can’t wait to see your blankets progress!

  17. Linda

    Your rainbow blanket is beautiful because of it’s brightness, you have done so many little baby granny squares already well done, I love all your work Angie I have just started making a blanket using your flower in a square motif, it’s going to take a while but I’m enjoying making these little wheels so much and the good thing is I can use up all my little bits of yarn. 🙂

  18. Kelli Woodall

    I love the bright colors of your ripple, it’s gorgeous!

  19. anny

    Muy agradable y bello, la manta arco iris preciosa y los colores bellisimos,
    feliz semana para ti, el blog de Paula genial, esa colcha es hermosa

  20. Helen

    Repeat after me: “There is no such thing as too bright!” Unless of course it is on a school uniform! Your ripple blanket is just gorgeous, remind me to send you my address so you can post it to me when you are finished 😉

    You are also making some real progress on your love birds squares. Keep posting the progress pictures. I love them.

    xXx Helen

  21. GerryART

    Visiting with you always leaves me so smilely.

  22. Lalalizzie

    Every time i see one of your new WIPs i tell myself that i need to add more colour to my own projects, but somehow i end up chosing rather “safe” (or should i say “boring” ;)) colour combo’s.
    Anyway, those blankets of yours will be smashing!

  23. puttermuch...

    I so enjoy visiting your blog, your work is always so cheerful (as are you!) thank you for making my day a little brighter! 🙂

  24. Sandra

    I love the colours in the rainbow ripple. As I was scrolling down to read i caught sight of the yellows in the blanket and thought wow thats amazing, and then read your comment about too much colour, NEVER rainbows are bright and showy. Thank you for sharing

  25. fmotamedi

    so so nice 🙂
    i`m from iran . i always visit your site & facebook . all of your crochets are so beautiful 🙂
    i used your pattern of poncho for my daughter . u can see it on my weblog 🙂
    and i suggest to my freinds to visit your site & your wonderful crochets .
    now i want to start one of your blanket 🙂
    thank u so much

  26. Cybouille

    Hi Angie,
    It’s alwaaaaays really exciting to begin a big new project like yours. I’ve had a look on your last post to find out what’s ” two birds” meant : so cute!
    So I’m pretty sure you’re gonna succeed on those 100 squares to create the colours combination… The hardest part will probably be : a no buy yarn !!!
    Take care and have a wonderful week.

  27. colette

    Mais que c’est beau toutes ces couleurs…… J ADORE…
    Beaucoup d’idées mais surtout, QUEL TALENT. Je suis admirative et vais sûrement prendre des idées.. Merci pour vos partages et explications, c’est ma vitamine de la journée.
    Crochètement et au plaisir,
    Colette chez qui la neige tombe à gros flocons.

  28. Flikka

    The colors are really delicious! Your blog is real color therapy, it always makes me feel happy. 🙂 I’ve started crocheting a granny square afghan too together with my friends.

  29. 'me'

    these colors are not to bright !! I LOVE those colors ! i think it will be a gorgeous amazing fantastic blanket !

  30. Maya

    What a wonderful idea!!!!
    These little granny full of colour!!!
    I will make one for me….

    Thank you for sharing with us!!!

  31. Trudy

    I love absolutely love all of your work. The colors are amazing, the work is perfect and your blog is soo much fun to look at and read . You do wonderful work . I love all the bright colors you combine in your projects.


    copngratulations from Buenos Aires!!

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