Cross stitch

April 4, 2012


It’s been a huge pleasure for me to read all your wonderful comments, wishes and prayers 🙂 I felt really blessed and lucky to have you all 🙂 THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart 🙂

Today, I’ll show you the cross stitch I made between 2004 and 2007. At that time, I knew how to crochet but did not like it at all 😉 In fact, I used to look at my mother and grand mother crocheting and think: “how can they love to crochet like mad women ?” and they used to tell me : “one day, you’ll give up the cross stitch for the crochet, you’ll see!” and me: ” No WAY!! ” 🙂 and then, one day, in 2008, I came across the fabulous blog of Lucy and felt in love 🙂 It was like an “illumination” for me. I think it is this way for many of us 🙂 and from that day, I am totally hooked 🙂

About the cross stitch, I ‘ll show you today the frames left in my house…I’ve made so much more … they are in friends houses, some in my family’s, some I even sold at exhibitions…

Here are the ones left in my house:

In the hall way between the rooms:

In the girls sleeping room:

This one (in the pic above) took me many months 🙂 I still can’t believe when I look at it how I was patient at that time 🙂

In the girls playing room:

In the entrance :

and finally, in our room:

I took all these designs from magazines I borrowed from friends and from our local library except the last one: the one with the hearts: I created the design myself 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my cross stitch frames 🙂

Sending you LOVE and KISSES!



  1. Annie

    Superbes magnifiques bravo bravo!!bisous

  2. Jo

    All of your framed cross stitch are beautiful! Wonderful work on your hearts creation! 🙂

  3. Marie

    Quel beau travail… et quelle patience ! Bises.

  4. Jacquie

    Hi Angie, I love your cross stitch pictures. They are all so pretty ….elmer is great.My absolute favourite is the last one,the one you designed yourself…it’s gorgeous !!
    Jacquie x

  5. Jackie

    Wow ~ they are all amazing! I think I like the Paddington and Elmer ones the best but I also love the heart one too. I used to do cross stitch too but now struggle slightly to stitch due to my eyes being older! Crochet is much easier to focus on LOL! :O)xx

  6. Happybee

    wow…all I can say is…woooooowwww!!!!

  7. Karin

    Absolutely stunning, each and every one of them!
    Such happy pictures.

  8. Mriek

    Wow, you embroiderd a lot!
    I love the hearts! <3

  9. Sarah

    The hearts are beautiful, but the elephant is my favourite

  10. Stocki

    Wow Angie… you are a multi-talented lady indeed! I love the hearts one and all the little elephants….I can’t begin to imagine how long they took! I’m so glad you came back to crochet though! :)x

  11. wink

    Holy crap! You made all that??? You must have soooooo much spare time! 😉 It all looks fantastic!!!

  12. Ananda

    Your work is lovely! Cross stitch is a different type of therapy from crocheting, don’t you think? Marvellous that we have the opportunity to create something beautiful for everyone’s enjoyment. And the time spent is the same, the end result is just different!! 🙂 Loverly!!!!

  13. Ellen


  14. maifoise

    moi aussi quand j’étais très jeune j’avais une tante qui tricotait et crochetait et une autre qui brodait dure dure mais je me suis mise aussi à faire comme elles
    Tes ouvrages sont très beaux.J’en ai fait beaucoup aussi mais j’ai repris le crochet et le tricot
    A bientôt

  15. Lauren

    Years ago I used to enjoy Counted cross stitch as well. Your s are gorgeous; I especially love the elephant alphabet.

    At 50 now, my close up vision is NOT good enough, even with bifocals, for the little bitty work….lol.

    YOUR post inspires me …..

  16. Elena

    Beautiful works!
    I started to crochet after reading Lucy’s blog too.

  17. mamita

    j’adore celui ton tableau avec la “mosaïque” . Il est vraiment très fin et très original .
    Ton tableau avec les coeurs est aussi magnifique, tu as réalisé un très joli jeu de couleurs
    un très grand bravo

  18. Colette.

    C’est amusant, ton histoire est la même pour moi.
    Amazing, your story is the same for me.
    Point de croix pendant plusieurs années et puis découverte de Lucy !
    Cross stitch for several years et then discover Lucy !
    Attention à toi, j’ai aussi découvert le tricot après !
    Be careful, I also discovered knit after !
    Merci Angie de ton partage.
    Thanks Angie for sharing.

  19. Julia T

    Absolutely adorable pieces 😉 What a lovely way to decorate 😉 I love the hearts piece you designed, and the (Celtic?) knot. I have cross-stitched for many years but stopped when I had to resort to using reading glasses to see the patterns! 😉 now I have one last piece to do, a tenth doctor piece in several bright colors that I bought on to do for my oldest, who has a love for all things Dr.Who, David Tennant in particular. I will be making it into a pillow for her. Thanks for sharing all of your cross-stitch! What a creative inspiration you are, Angie!

  20. anny


  21. Nurhayathxcy J.

    Angie the hearts are cutesyyy!! And the elephant too, lots of ‘squares’ in it 😀 😀

  22. Julie

    Ahhhhhhmazing work!!!

  23. Carol

    WOW. I too crossed stitched, but that was another lifetime. Your Elephant alphabet is just so so cute and your hearts drew my attention straight away. Fantastic.

  24. Laura

    Beautiful Angie. I also did cross stitch for many years so maybe I’ll post about the ones I have in my home…. I still really enjoy it but think I ‘overdosed’ on it!!!! Very theapeutic though. lol xxx

  25. Angela

    Love seeing all your artistic endeavors. I have done cross stitch but not nearly as much as you 🙂 Congratulations on your good news!

  26. Linda

    So beautiful Angie each and every one of them, treasures to keep for ever. 🙂

  27. Kathy USA Michigan

    Lucy at Attic 24 is responsible for my learning to crochet, too. In my case, I saw her Japanese Flower shawl & decided I must learn to crochet to do that. As yet, I am stuck on giant granny afghans, but one day I’ll get to the shawl. As for your embroidery, it is truly beautiful. I also embroidered for a bit before my eyes couldn’t take the close work of it (and quilting) any longer. Now it’s knitting & crocheting for me.

  28. Nancy

    FABULOUS!! I too, spent a few years (before crochet and knitting took over my life!) working counted cross-stitch! And, like you, can NOT believe I had that much patience!

  29. Marieke

    I’m sooooo impressed by all the time and patience that you’ve put in these beautiful pieces…. wow! And, well, I haven’t visited your blog for a while, and just now read the good, good news. I am so happy for you. I hope you are feeling well and that you will be able to enjoy without fear. Oh that little one is so blessed with such a creative mum. Wishing you all the best! marieke

  30. sophie

    Magnifique !!!!!!!!!!!!!! tout simplement
    BRAVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Darlene

    What beautiful works of art!! You are amazing Angie!

  32. laure

    le tout est magnifique!!! quel travail ! moi aussi j’en fait pas moments… j’aime beaucoup celui qui fait arabesque et les coeurs ! bravo!

  33. EllyD

    Oh how beautiful are all your cross stitch pictures!! You must have a lot of patience for such small work. Thank you for sharing with us all Angie 🙂

  34. rosangela bim

    Que lindos teus bordados.
    Venha me visitar e me seguir se gostar.

  35. Susan

    wow, all very beatiful. I’m impressed by your patience too.

  36. Sandy

    Thank you for sharing your lovely work! You really work from the heart, and it shows.

  37. Tammy

    Hey Angie! You certainly have made some beautiful cross-stitchings. That was my main hobby for many, many, many years. I can’t believe some of the big projects I’ve made in the past. Definitely required lots of patience and time that I don’t have these days. I used to not be able to read crochet patterns, but now that I can somewhat (thought I still don’t like long, difficult patterns), I find the process much easier (especially since my eyesight ain’t what it used to be). Can you believe I started a cross-stitch when I was pregnant with Zack, who is now 13 — all I need to do is the backstitching and put his name, date of birth, weight – but I’ve never finished it. Maybe, one day — like when he turns 21, or has his own children. Ha! Wishing you a wonderfully blessed day. Tammy

  38. Barbara

    Happy Easter, Angie!!

    I just wanted to let you know that I always enjoy visiting Sucrette’s little world, and that I’ve got an award for you over at my blog

    Have a great week-end! 🙂

  39. Barbina

    Happy Easter Angie! I´m sending lots of love to your home!!!
    Your cross stich pictures are amazing! I couldn´t say which one I like the most, all are so lovely and beautiful!

  40. Amanda

    Wow, what productivity! Such beautiful creations, love the little houses and especially the hearts at the end such a treat to see these x

  41. Aisyahelga

    Your work is amazing!! I love, love, love them all! I, too, used to do cross-stitch but stopped when there was no more room for them :p Thanks for sharing!

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