
May 28, 2012

Good morning lovely people!

Yes, you are more than 1000 followers by now and you surely deserve a small giveaway to celebrate! In fact, you are 1144 at this moment, as I’m writing this post 😀 Youhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Hello my friends! Welcome to all the new followers and hellooooooooooo to you all!

I should have done this giveaway a month ago but it is never too late to celebrate…eh ? 😉

So, concerning the giveaway: it is very easy to participate….All you have to do is write a comment on this post … very simple you see? Even though it is the first time you write a comment, don’t be shy…do it 🙂 I’ll be very happy to read your words 🙂

And in one week, on June4, on monday morning I’ll pick up one winner and send the prize … The prize will be flying to you from my small country Lebanon to wherever you are on this planet 🙂

But let’s talk about the prize, shall we?

The winner of this giveaway will receive this:

What’s this?

Well: First: You have some cute colorful buttons, 7 wood buttons and a 3mm of the best crochet hooks (I just love this brand)

And: 5 Mirage (100g each) yarn in beautiful colors: Dark Turquoise – Orange -Purple – Teal and Red

Mirage is a 100% acrylic yarn that you crochet with a 3mm crochet hook (included in the prize). Mirage is a pleasure to crochet with as it is very soft and an excellent quality yarn (wash after wash)

And finally: One cute crocheted toilet paper holder for your bathroom:

To hide your extra toilet paper 😉

So? do you want to participate to have a chance to win this prize?

All you have to do is to leave a comment on this post! and you have till Monday June4 to do it 🙂 and on Monday morning I’ll pick up one winner and send the prize to wherever she (or he) is around this world!

Come on! Don’t be shy! I’m waiting for you!

Have a beautiful week!



  1. lori Certalic

    Love your blog…your projects are so cheerful.
    I love your house, you can tell happy people live there 🙂

    Happy day to you!


  2. fafaruban

    Les couleurs sont superbes, je tente ma chance, bizz

  3. Mrs Thrifty

    I adore your blog and read all your posts. i just love the colourful world you create and would be delighted to win such a lovely prize xx

  4. severine

    bravo pour toutes ces personnes qui lisent ton blog mais c’est bien mérité car tes travaux sont si beaux, de couleurs et de réalisation (un des plus beaux blogs que je lis… ou alors LE plus beau ?).
    donc, oui, je participe ! bonne journée à toi (et à ta famille), Sucrette !

  5. lynette

    Thanks for your blog and patterns
    Have a nice day

  6. Dee

    Hello, Love competitions, love yr craft,what better thing to do than enter your competition. Yayeeeeeeeee. Thank you. Have a happy day.

  7. Rosemarie

    Coucou ma belle,
    Tu es la championne des arcs en ciel et tu mets du soleil et de la couleur dans nos coeurs….et j’aime trop les petits boutons, alors je tente ma chance !!!
    Je t’embrasse mille fois

  8. linda

    Pas trop chanceuse d’habitude, mais allez ! je participe pour le plaisir et l’occasion de dire combien j’aime ce blog… Bonne journée à toutes.

  9. Tracey

    Fingers crossed, love the buttons !
    Thanks x

  10. Annie

    Oh Sucrette,comme ces petits boutons sont jolis!!et la laine,j’adore les couleurs gaies!et ton protège-rouleau papier toilette est adorable,alors,même si je ne gagne presque jamais aux jeux,je participe!!!et bravo et merci pour ton blog si beau et si gai!!gros gros bisous

  11. Becci Sundberg

    I just love following your blog. So much to be inspired by

  12. Lani

    Hi! I have been reading your posts for several months now but have never left you a message. I should have! Your things are so beautiful and the colors you use just light me up! I have a grand baby on the way and believe I could work a little something up with your very happy yarn. Yes? And the buttons! So cute! And who wouldn’t want one of your little creative wonders? A very good give away, indeed!

  13. hanady

    your blog is my favorite from few months.
    I love your patterns ,and I’ve made ponchos and blankets with them.
    sorry for my bad English, but i’m italian and I live in Egypt.
    I decided to write a comment to you today, without knowing about this giveaway! so…it’s even better so.
    thank you for your inspiring blog.

  14. Marie Biswell

    I’m not surprised you have over 1000 followers… you’re blog is ace!!

  15. Laura :)

    What a super sweet thing for you to do!!! I’m always so inspired by your projects and colors I should be sending YOU a gift!!! I appreciate all that you do here and know that you will have 2000 and beyond in no time!! 🙂

  16. Akalmie

    I follow your blog with google reader. I love your crochet project and all the colors you use! Merci pour le jeu

  17. letuskah

    thank you for the joy you make me feel when I am reading your blog. Let’s play.

  18. wendy

    Love checking out your blog, so colourful too.
    Mine is more like a diary whilst on holidays then just family/crochet
    etc once back home. Very cute toilet roll cover. You will end up with even more followers ☺☺

  19. Mo

    What a SUPER fab giveaway Angie 😀 Thank you 😉 That yarn always works so well for you I would love to try it myself. I think I would cover a cushion and pass it to a charity shop for a Christmas raffle prize. Perfect 😀 And what GORgeous buttons! Woweee! Do you buy them locally Angie? Because I’ve never seen any like the pretty blue ones or the multi-coloured flowery ones before. I LOVE buttons. Pretty, pretty, pretty. 😀
    Have a beautiful day, and I hope you and your ‘bump’ are keeping fit and well 🙂
    Mo xx

  20. Misty

    Dearest Angie your so sweet to put up this contest. I hope you and the wee one are doing well. I just love those buttons, and the yarn is so yummy looking. I could use some loveliness right now. Have a great week.
    Happy Thoughts,
    Misty and Pets.

  21. Spirou / Evelyne

    Thank to you ! It’s a great pleasure to visit your website every day. You are a magician who plays with colors and enjoys the world !

  22. Karen Lindsay


    I’m not surprised you have so many subscribers. I love your colorful blog and truly appreciate the patterns and finished projects you share. I love color too and hope to someday add some of those brilliant colors to my home. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be the winner of your super giveaway!

  23. Karen

    Love your blog! And this give-away, too! =)

  24. Sharyn

    I have only just found your blog and what a wonderful giveaway you have happening – I love the colours of the yarn and the assorted buttons. I could do so much with them! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  25. Stocki

    CONGRATULATIONS Angie! Over 1000 followers is incredible! My numbers creep up slowly…but 1000 seems light years away! What a lovely generous giveaway too… hope you are having a lovely baby-growing week… hugs, Jill x

  26. annie35

    C’est toujours un plaisir de prendre un bain de couleurs !!!

  27. Kerttu

    Found your blog last week and fell in love immediately!!

  28. Anne

    I follow your blog through my google reader and I always love the projects you show us. Congrats on your 1145 followers! :o)

  29. Julie

    What a wonderful giveaway! I just love your blog and always love to come by and see what gorgeous thing you’re working on. 🙂 Thank you for entering me in your giveaway!

    Blessings – Julie

  30. Velma

    New to your fabulous blog. Love the colorful world you live in.
    I think your home must be a reflection of how special you are.
    You make me smile each and every week!

  31. CarineL

    Bonjour Angie, je suis tombée sous le charme de votre blog !
    Je débute le crochet et espère un jour arriver à faire d’aussi belles choses. Merci de nous faire partager votre monde coloré.

  32. Lisa

    Your happy attitude and bright colours always make me smile. Thanks for a great blog!

  33. Cathy

    Of course I’m in ! Thanks for this giveaway and please never stop doing what you’re doing as it’s so inspirational !

  34. Ela

    Hello Angie,
    I am fan of your blog and the items you make 🙂 It is time to come out and leave a comment 😉 The prizes are absolutely gorgeous and I would love to win! The yarn would be perfect to make some colorful projects for the twins I am expecting 😀

    All the best to you!

  35. Cristina

    I love your patterns. Thanks!

  36. Stefania

    Ciao Angie,
    ti seguo da moooolto tempo.
    I tuoi lavori sono bellissimi e tu sei dolcissima.
    Ho segnalato alcuni tuoi tutorial nel mio sito, spero ti faccia piacere.

    Spero di vincere.
    Un bacio a te e al bambino in arrivo (e a quelli che già ci sono).

    Hello Angie,
    I follow you loooong time.
    Your works are beautiful and you’re sweet.
    I submitted some of your tutorials on my site, I hope you will please.

    I hope to win.
    A kiss to you and the baby on the way (and those that are already there).

  37. Marilyn

    Yoy fabulous colourful and friendly blog never ceases to brighten the dullest day. What a lovely happy, home and life you have, and made all the happier by you amazing colour choices. Thank you for always bringing sunshine to my days…..

  38. Mie

    Your colour and patterns are an inspiration. Love reading your blog.


  39. Ivani da Costa

    Hi Angie
    Thanks so much for your blog, for your inspirational workm and for your generosity in share your ideas and colours, and also for this giveway.
    Ivani from Brazil!

  40. vivie 1

    j’aimerais beaucoup participer, si vous le voulez bien, merci, bonne journée

  41. Severine56

    Je ne refuse pas la possibilité de gagner un si beau cadeau ! Je tente ma chance !
    Bonne semaine et bon crochet !

  42. Oriana

    I love your blog, it is such a pleasure to read your posts, browse through the pictures… it always make me smile! 🙂
    Thank you for bringing colour and joy to my life 🙂

  43. Laura Hamilton

    I am a US Army soldier in Afghanistan. I read your blog religiously and enjoy all your beautiful creations. I have spent most of my free time on this deployment crocheting baby blankets for NICU babies back in the US and use your patterns frequently. I especially enjoy all the color! I can’t wait to get back home and try out the rest of your patterns as ordering yarn here is somewhat tedious and time consuming. Thank you for all your inspiration and what is always a happy read:)
    Laura Hamilton

  44. Analisa

    I really enjoy your crocheting but mostly I enjoy the cute paintings! Keep up the nice newsletter!

  45. Pam McKnight

    I have been reading your blog for several months now. Your works are so cheerful.

  46. Toñi G.

    Hola, vivo en España, me encanta tu blog, llevo poco tiempo en este mundo bloggero, has sido de los primeros blogs que he seguido y me encanta, como mezclas los colores, los tutoriales que publicas, en fin todo, ayudan mucho para inspirarnos en tejer los trabajos, siempre me alegra visitarte, gracias

  47. Pam McKnight

    If you could put me in touch with Laura Hamilton, or her with me, I would be so happy to send her some yarn in care packages. My son (a US Marine) has served two deployments to Afghanistan already, so I’m good at the care packages!

  48. Dorothy

    Hi Angie .. I always enjoy reading your blog and would love to be included in the draw for your very generous giveaway. The buttons and toilet roll cover are cute but that yarn is to die for !!! Such beautiful colours. Thank you for offering this giveaway opportunity. xoxox

  49. Rachel Lewis

    I am a huge fan – I adore your home and your blog always makes me smile! I would love to win the giveaway 🙂


    Rachel x

  50. Zsu

    Dear Sucrette 🙂

    Altough Iam not a signed up follower of your wonderfull blog, I do follow you on googlereader.
    I just love your post, the things that you make and the colors. 🙂
    Congrats and all the best wishes for you especially for the little baby in your belly 🙂

    Ps I love these buttons 🙂

  51. Kylie

    I just love the colour you use, so cheerful. Thanks xxx Kylie (on a grey wintery day in New Zealand)

  52. Kaycee

    I love your work. It is so cheerful and makes me happy. Please continue 🙂

  53. Niamh

    I love your blog and your work. The colours you use are so cheerful. Please enter me in the giveaway i’d love to win 🙂

  54. Laura Miller

    Hello Angie, what a lovely giveaway!! You truly spoil us! I would love to win although I think I’d have to send it to Laura Hamilton in Afghanistan if I did win!!! Sending love & hugs xxxx

  55. sarvenaz


    1144 fans ! espérons que d’ici peu ce sera 2000.
    vos cadeaux sont très beaux.

    bonne journée

  56. Sue

    I love everything that you have crocheted which has inspired me to teach myself crochet.

    Your instructions are easy to follow.

    I am already on my third item and I have only been crocheting for three months.

    Congratulations for the exciting baby news.

    I look forward to reading your posts so please keep up the good work 🙂

  57. Susan

    Love your blog, your sweet disposition and the thought you put into your words. Thank you for making many of my days more joyful by just reading and looking at what you have accomplished.

  58. Jude Matthews

    Just love your blog and your inspirational designs

  59. Opal

    I’m loving the bright colors, it’s my favorite type of yarn to work with. I really like the toilet paper cover too. And it’s a creative way to dress up a boring toilet paper roll. 😉

  60. Lianne

    Congratulations on so many followers, I love to read your blog and your give away is amazing!

  61. Paola

    Hello love to try this giveaway! And your blog!

  62. tammy

    Oh what a great surprise gift! I love the color yarns you picked. They are so bright cheerful and vibrant! The buttons are really cute but I think I like the spare roll cover the best. i love the punch of red! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful package! Congrads on having over 1000 followers!

  63. Lina

    Angie!!! What a lovely giveaway you are making here!!! Always generous with us! I love the Colors so vivid so you!
    I hope i’ll be picked, if not, it’s ok 🙂
    Kisses my dear !

  64. Pati from London

    Dear Angie, what an amazing and generous giveaway!! Wow! Thanks for the chance of winning it. Love, Pati x

  65. Trilli

    Hi Sucrette, I hope to be lucky! I really like your blog, and I’m glad to be your follower from Salerno, in Italy!

  66. Margaret

    You light up my life with colour, thank you. I live in Scotland where it rains a lot, and makes a lot of grey days

    Kindest Regards


  67. Barbara

    Thank you for this incredible giveaway! It’s always a pleasure to visit your site, here’s to another thousand followers 🙂


  68. Renate

    You are truly amazing! This giveaway shows what a generous heart you have! Your blog is one of the highlights of my week. Thank you for spreading this color happiness!
    Kisses to you and the new baby!
    Renate from Brazil

  69. stephanie

    always such cheerful colors! very inspiring. here’s hoping i get to try some of your lovely yarns.

  70. Lucie

    Merci à toi de partager avec nous tes jolies créations, ta joie de vivre ou bien les nuages qui passent parfois dans ta vie ! Ton blog est vivant et stimulant ! Je ne suis habituellement pas joueuse, mais pour une fois je veux bien participer au tirage au sort pour tenter de gagner ce très joli lot que tu nous as concocté ! Très bonne journée à toi et à toute ta famille. Je t’embrasse.

  71. Sandra

    I love the colour of the yarns in your giveaway. I can see them as a gorgeous little girls poncho.

  72. Annika Olausson

    I just L O V E your website! It´s so colourful and H A P P Y !
    Thank you for sharing!
    Lots and lots of hugs from Sweden!


  73. Chris

    wow so many followers (I don’t have that many yet)and so many responses! I love to add mine
    you do have a nice blog and make beautiful things!! Thanks for that


  74. Martina Liaudat

    Bonjour Sucrette, merci pour tes entrées dans ton blog – j’adore tout: les couleurs et surtout ta bonne humeur. Bises

  75. tiflipt'

    Hi ! i’m glad you have so many followers ! You certainly deserve them ! I’m very fond of your colourful and joyful posts so I’ll just add : see you soon and take care !

  76. JudysPod

    Enjoy your is a touch of sunshine!

  77. Mara

    I love your blog! 🙂

  78. lynda

    Wow! How generous of you. I love your postings and visit everyday. I really enjoy your color pallet.

  79. dorothy hermes

    love your colorful, bright, happy home! You do such beautiful work & reading your blog makes me smile.

  80. vaida

    Hello, i’m writing for the first time… 😀 love your blog it’s given me many ideas.

  81. Brigitte

    Beautiful colors, thank you for sharing your projects , your blog
    is beautiful !!!

    Have a nice day


  82. delphine 44

    coucou Angie !
    Vive les couleurs toujours bien assorties de l’arc en ciel ! Je tente ma chance pour le jeu avec plaisr et merci de l’organiser !
    bon lundi
    Delphine 44

  83. Teresa

    So sweet of you to do this giveaway. What lovely prizes too! I would be so thrilled to win.

  84. DianeM

    Dear Sucrette – Thank you so much for the generous giveaway 🙂
    Please enter me for a chance to win…everything is so nice & colorful.
    Smiles, DianeM

  85. Dianna

    Love your blog, love your patterns, love your home, so colorful & happy. That’s what I think when I see all the colors…….HAPPY

  86. charu

    What a lovely giveaway on a wonderful achievement.

    I am subscribed to this blog and often visit it even though my mails show that there is no update 🙂

  87. caroline de France

    Bonjour Sucrette, j’ai créé avec une amie,une association de tricot-crochet dans mon village, et c’est un vrai bonheur de se retrouver entre femmes de tous les ages pour partager de bons moments et notre passion;nous tricotons et crochetons pour ceux qui en ont besoin, les bébés prématurés, les futures mamans dans le besoin et les femmes qui vivent dans la rue. C’est en cherchant de nouveaux modèles pour l’association que je suis arrivée sur votre blog…quel beau hasard ! Merci beaucoup pour tous vos jolis modèles, toutes ces couleurs, et votre bonne humeur, c’est toujours un bonheur de vous lire….

  88. teresa w.

    I love your blog! I have been crocheting since I was 8 years old (now 45) and your blog is so inspiring and colorful. I always wait with enthusiasm and curiosity to see what your next post will be. I have crocheted several of your patterns and love them all! I would love for you to enter me in your generous drawing. Reading your post always makes me happy!

  89. Tracey

    What a wonderful giveaway Angie 🙂 Its no surprise that you have so many followers for your wonderful, inspiring blog x

  90. deb

    Those colors are fabulous! Love your blog, you have such cute stuff. Thanks for sharing with us.

  91. Desma

    I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing all your lovely projects and bright colours always makes me smile!

  92. Sharon

    Great blog that I enjoy reading for inspiration. Great prizes too. 🙂

  93. Antonella

    Ciao!!! partecipo molto volentieri!!! e tantissimi auguri per il tuo traguardo !!!! te lo meriti perchè il blog è semplicemente meraviglioso!!!!! un abbraccio

  94. Joanna

    Your blog I visit daily. This is great! Much to learn from you. Thank you.

  95. Sara-Jane

    How thoughtful of you! the colors look beautiful. Will you also share the pattern for the toilet paper holder? That looks fun to make. Have a wonderful week!

  96. Lita

    Hi Angie, I love your blog, it brightens my day! I’m so glad you like the Aero hooks as they are made here in U.K. Soooo if I was lucky enough to win your giveaway they would be coming home, to a brighter home that I have since following you on your blog! *crosses fingers*
    Have a wonderful day!

  97. Joyce

    Just like the others posting, I love your blog!!! I love all the colors you use and look to your choices as inspiration. I am planning on making a ripple blanket this summer fashioned after one of yours 🙂 Thank you for taking the time and blogging. Keep up the great work. Joyce

  98. Debi

    This is such a fun, generous giveaway. But I hope you know that every time you post, it’s a giveaway–in sunshine and smiles and beauty!!! It’s not a bit surprising that you have so many followers. 😀

  99. Kamila

    I love your blog and I visit it everyday many times. Thnak you for your colorful crochet inspirations:))

  100. Cecilia

    Hermosos trabajos!!! muy lindos todos!! y muy generosa de tu parte el querer hacer un regalito. Saludos desde Argentina

  101. Persa

    Hope to be the lucky one!! Promise to work something nice for your baby with these lovely colourful yarns. Have a wonderful day.

  102. Terry

    I enjoy reading your blog very much and those colours would sooo fit in my house. Maybe I’ll be lucky!

    Keep up all your lovely work!

  103. Lolly

    I would love to be entered in your drawing – thank you! I’m a new subscriber to your blog, as I only found it a few weeks ago, but I love it. I think you and I have very similar taste in color and crochet, and I’m inspired by the beauty and color you share with us!

  104. Anne Marie

    Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway. I would be so thrilled to give these items as home with me – love your colorful blog and all your projects.

  105. Brenda B.

    What a wonderful giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely prizes!!

  106. Tammy McCay

    You bring cheery color into our online world. Thank you! And thank you for “always providing a daily dose of inspiration”.

  107. Akhila

    Hi there,

    I love what your giving away and I sure hope I can win it all. Always love coming to your blog. Have a great day hun.

  108. Ellen

    Your cheerful posts always brighten my day. Thank you Angie.

  109. Begorisa

    Hello Sucrette! I am very happy with your web. I am hoping every week your new coments and creations.
    I am from Spain, Valencia, next time you make a trip I think you should visit this town is as beautiful as Barcelona.
    Congratulations for your next baby 😀

  110. Mam'zelle flo

    Oh Angie! what a lovely giveaway! Of course I’m in, crossing fingers 🙂
    I hope both the baby and you are well.

  111. Catherine Lopez

    Hi Angie
    I would love to win this giveaway, everything looks good.Thank you!

  112. Kathi

    Wonderful giveaway!!! I love visiting your blog. It’s so inspiring, cheerful, colorful!

  113. MarieH

    Congratulations, you really deserve it. I love your colors. They always make me feel better. Thank you.

  114. Cindy

    I love reading your blog & looking at your pictures. I love bright colors so your blog is as feast for the eyes. I’m also a crocheter but it is on the back burner right now as I am concentrating on cross stitch. I usually crochet in the winter when it is cold.

  115. Laydilyke

    Congrats on 1000 followers! Oh I love our colourful creations. Brightens the day to see bright colors. Thank you.

  116. Charlotte

    Hello Angie!

    What a lovely give-away! I’d love to take a chance to win 😀
    Also, thank you again for your wordpress help when I send you the mail! It’s been very helpful in setting up my site 😀

    Have a lovely day,

  117. Jean in NH

    What a beautiful prize! Love love love the colors – they are so Sucrette!!!

    June 4 is my birthday! THis prize would be the frosting on my cake!

  118. Cynthia Wayland

    Love your site, all your crochet work is so alive and exciting. I found your site over Christmas and was inspired by the color and pattern that I, after almost 30 years, begin to crochet again. Thank you

  119. Lydia

    This is so cool. Love the yarn in bright colors and it’s washable! And the buttons are so cute, especially the flower buttons. I once found one on the street and I’m keeping it for the right moment. 😉 and no. 3 is my mostly used hook.
    Thanks for making this giveaway, sounds fun!

  120. sheila

    Congrats on your ever growing following! You light up my life! Thank you for the giveaway! The buttons are TOOOOOO cute!


  121. Maaike

    I always love to discover new kind of yarns, so your give-away is an excellent chance to discover one of your favorites! Here in Belgium it’s a sunny day today, ideal weather to crochet on the terrace 🙂 Hope it is the same in Lebanon!

  122. Rebecca

    Love how you live life in color. Congrats on hitting 1000!

  123. Valeria

    Dear Angie: What a lovely stuff! Looove the buttons!
    Finger crossed,here in Argentina!

  124. Lyn Z...

    Not surprised your blog is so popular: all of the deliciousness of your colors and the lovely projects….. found your blog a while back and have not missed reading one!!!! Thanx for the happy things it brings to my life!

  125. Saritha

    I lovvvveee colours and your beautiful blog is full of it!!!!I am a big fan of your blog Angie!!!

  126. Graciela Ferrari

    Hello!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations for the followers!!!!!!
    thanks for the giveaway, i hope have a good luck
    kisses for you from Argentina

  127. Shelley Wilkinson

    I have followed your blog for a few months now, but through link on ATtic24’s blog. Recently I added you to my blogroll and come to your site by way of the link on my own blog.

    I love the sweet buttons you are giving away! Adorable. You are very generous to be giving so much away. Thank you for your kindness.

  128. Paula

    So many have left a comment already I doubt whether I will do very well. But I do have a question, the yarn in the giveaway is that the yarn you normally crochet with. From the work that you do it seems to crochet very well.
    By the way I love the colour in your house.

  129. Rachel Mackin

    I love your blog and all your bright colours! Please include me in your giveaway. 🙂

  130. Sara

    Love love your blog. Look forward to each email letting me know of a new post

  131. aliceinthemiddle

    Ah, Angie, first let me say congratulations on having another baby and a BOY at that! I have two girls and a boy but in reverse order of yours and MY Boy will be THIRTY this July while his youngest sister is seventeen. I keep telling him not to forget that I had him when I was only TWELVE but he just laughs and says I am old and forgetting my age. 😉 I have two close friends having babies this year around the same time as you and they are both having girls so maybe it is a continent thing right now? Anyway I don’t hardly comment on the my four or five favorite blogs, mostly because I read them very early in the morning when I am having my tea and waking up to go to work; then by the time I get home I am always toooooo busy with two dogs, three cats and my seventeen year old KA. So. I am a very bad, but very faithful blog reader. What I SHOULD be saying to all of you, you, Lucy at the attic in North Yorkshire, Alice with Raymond down under and Susan at in my home state of missouri (you should take a peek at hers; she’s got CUTE animals for your girls and you along with awesome recipes) is that you ALL make me feel infinitely better on even the worst of days. When I see a new post, I am so excited because I know I am about to travel across the world or my own state and share with whatever you are all up to. When I am reading them in the morning my KA is getting ready for school right next to me and I am always so happy to be able to have something cheerful to show her and have a nice morning conversation about instead of the usual teenage grumpiness that sometimes is present. I crochet like a madwoman inspired by you and Lucy with your bright colors and whimsical designs. I don’t have a camera and my computer is a dinosaur otherwise I would be posting on Flickr and have my OWN blog about my crazy life and what I make, but that’s ok for now because you all share with me your lovely and inspiring creations, and your wonderful surroundings whether it’s inside or out. Angie, I love your use of color, in both your crochet and your paintings and I really wanted to comment when your friend said your home has too much color. Your home is bright and beautiful with just the right balance of whimsy and grownup; your family is incredibly lucky that they have you and I know that you are a really great mom. You share your creativity with them and in doing so your children will grow up loving color and art and LIFE. 🙂 So don’t ever let anyone rain on your creative parade. Bottom line is that they don’t live there and you do. So 😛 to them.

    So Thank You. For sharing your world with me and letting me have a glimpse of what seems to me a magical life although I know that the reality is still dishes and laundry! You make my days infinitely better through showing me yours. 🙂

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful week!

    PS: I am always so envious of your YARN! I cannot get that kind here and NAKO does not sell online that I have been able to find.

  132. Natalie

    Oh my,

    what an awesome giveaway!
    Imagine, this is really my first comment ever. I’m a bit shy…

    Lots of smiles from Germany!


  133. MiLinda

    I love your blog and look forward to each and every post. I am trying to bring more colour into my home and look towards your home for inspiration. Thank you for sharing your world with us!

  134. Any de Chile


    Felicitaciones ¡¡¡¡….además los colores de tus lanas son muy lindos…..


  135. Maga

    Always colorfull… I wanna some of this color 🙂



  136. GerryART

    Oh, Sweet Girl, your blog posts are the most colorful that arrive in my inbox. You make me smile each and every time. I ADORE your creations, your appreciation and love of color is so evident AND you spread your love through your posts.
    I do have one Aero hook among my collection. It does feel so smooth and works like a charm.
    The colors you’ve chosen for this generous giveaway are just do darn GORGEOUS! ! ! !
    Are you certain you want to part with those loverly buttons? I’m just so sure they are from your Favorites.
    Please, keep these posts coming. I Love Your Appreciation for all things colorful and beautiful.
    love and hugs

  137. Joni

    I so much enjoy and recieve inspiration from your blog. I love the way you match color and your novel ideas. Thank You for sharing your inspiration with us. Your blog is a bright spot in an otherwise dreary world.

  138. Teje

    Congratulations Angie! I’m happy to hear that so many have found your beautiful and colourful blog! Thank you for sharing those lovely yarns and buttons! x Teje

  139. Jill

    Your blog is my happy place! Thank you so much!!!!

  140. Rô Szili

    Olá querida amiga!

    Gostaria tanto de ser a sorteada, nem tanto pelos prêmios, mas pelo carinho que sempre encontro aqui.
    Serei a ganhadora e meu prêmio vai longe…moro no Brasil, em São Paulo, quem sabe se eu ganhar eu faça algo para a minha netinha Camille que chegará em outubro!
    Todos os dias quando abro meus emails, o primeiro que procuro é a atualização do seu blog.
    Beijinhos minha linda!
    Rô Szili

  141. Susan

    Boy you’ve done it now!!! You’ll be reading comments until the cows come home!! Your blog is my absolute favorite! Your love of color is inspiring. Don’t EVER let anyone tell you your home is too colorful!! I was insulted for you when I read that one!! Keep up the good work!!!

  142. ayse aydin

    im Ayse…
    im expecting a girl. she will be join us in august and i want to knit and crochet something for her with your lovely yarn….i want to be winner:))
    loves from Turkey..

  143. Alzira

    I love your work and the colors you use. Your blog is full of beautiful ideas! Your creativity are beyond this world! Lol. Alzira

  144. Daisie

    Hi Angie
    Love your blog.I followed a link from Lucy`s blog Attic24 a few months ago.
    I recently had to give up cross stitching,which I know you used to do too.So I am beginning to crochet again after a break of many years.
    What a lovely celebration prize!Would love to enter please
    Good luck everyone 🙂

  145. Amelitienne

    Hi Angie! I like your happy everyday and ..I like the buttons you chose for giveaway! (I never find nice buttons in the shops here in Parma!) Buona giornata !

  146. Tammy

    You are so sweet Angie. I haven’t seen Mirage yarn here. We have Bravo which is what I use. It’s thinner than what I am use to in the States, but don’t have much of a choice. Only one craft store here and then small shops outside the jamiya for ribbons, buttons and yarn. Hope your day is great. Tammy

  147. René

    Hi Angie,
    What an amazing, generous giveaway, I would love to participate. I love all the colors of your blog, your crochet patterns, love the paintings you have shared, and I really liked what you brought back as souveniers from your trip, especially the farmers : )
    Have a happy and colorful day,

  148. Lori Poss

    I love love your site, so much fun and inspiration!! I read it everyday!! I am currently making my own kaleidoscope blanket, because I have discovered that I have been crocheting for over 30 years and have NOTHING for myself, so this year I have decided to change that with things for me and my home!!! You have been a big inspiration for that, thanks!! And thanks for the graphs, they make things so much easier!!


    p.s. by the way, you can NEVER have too much color!!

  149. Patrice

    Oh my goodness what a lot of treasure!

    Thank you so much for sharing your colorful world with us!

    xoxo Patrice

  150. Carmen

    I love your blog, your crochet and your wonderful photopraphs,they are so relaxing! Thank you for this giveaway, very generous of you!

  151. Fran

    Your posts are always so cheery and colorful and very creative with your projects. They inspire me.

  152. Angela

    Amazing giveaway! I love seeing all your wonderful projects. I love the toilet paper roll cover and the yarn! Congrats to over 1000 followers!

  153. Sharon

    Love your joyfulness which is reflected in what you create. The give-away looks great too.
    Thanks for your great blog.

  154. Anat

    I love your work an your patterns. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. This is the real gift. Thank you also for the giveaway. This is extremely nice of you!

  155. Anna

    Hi there Angie!!!

    Thank you for all your happy thoughts and posts.
    And thank you for this giveaway. How fun!!!!

    BTW, I’m following you on pinterest, I repinned a few of the children’s bedroom ideas. Totally cute.

    Have a great day!!!

  156. Nilca

    Hi Angie!

    Thank you for celebrating with all of us your faithful followers, the chance to win this wonderful giveaway. Thank you for sharing happiness, not so good ones and your inspirations with us, which sometimes are our same ones. Thank you for making us feel like your true friends, from the distance. May God contine to bless you and your lovely family.
    N. xoxo

  157. Mary Beth

    Love, love, love your blog! And look forward to seeing your newest posts! I too have a colorful home! Colors make me so happy! Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

  158. Lyn-de-lou

    Quite new to your site but having been enjoying your colourful world. Would love to be entered to your draw.

  159. Beth

    Angie~~When your updates reach my inbox, they make me smile! I always click over to your first…each and every one makes my day!

  160. Lenette

    How very thoughtful of you to offer a give-away. The items are beautiful, and I am inspired by your projects. The photos and descriptions bring joy to my heart. I especially love buttons and I enjoy your patterns which incorporate buttons, such as the little Christmas stockings! I am happy to have discovered Le Monde de Sucrette!

  161. chanette

    I love reading your blog and would love to be entered in this great giveaway, thanks

  162. Candice Harris

    I really enjoy your blog, thank you for a chance to win a fabulous prize !!

  163. Carmen

    Great blog!! I love all your colorful creations

  164. Rosemary

    Just love your blog – it always brings me a smile! I just adore your use of color. You are such an inspiration!

  165. christine93

    que dire de plus après tout ça?????? que j’ai adoré tes photos de Barcelone, une des villes où j’aimerai aller, et que ton blog si coloré et si chaleureux est pour moi un rayon de soleil au milieu de ce monde pas toujours souriant. Continue comme ça. Bises à toi et à toute ta famille. Christine, de France.

  166. Debi Y.

    Thank you for offering such a great giveaway – I would love to be entered in it. Have a good day. 🙂

  167. Tracy Marie

    What a wonderful ray of sunshine in your post today – a give-away is always such sweet anticipation! 😀 Of course, I enjoy reading your blog for your beautiful inspiration, regardless of a give-away or not but this is a fun twist! 😀 Sending you Big Texas-sized Hugs!

  168. Julia T

    LOVE the fact that you are giving away some of this beautiful yarn—what vibrant colors!! I love buttons, too, so I would love to win this giveaway! 🙂 Have a great week and thanks for offering this giveaway!!! 🙂

  169. Jennifer Tuggle

    Your blog is wonderful; so cheery and colorful! You always sound upbeat and positive too! I have made several of your patterns including the Daisies in a Square and the edging for your “monster granny.”
    Thank you for the great giveaway, and congratulations on reaching 1000!
    Jennifer in Roswell, Georgia

  170. Jane

    WOW what a giveaway! I love thwe buttons, the wool and the little cover.

    Luv Jane XX

  171. Yart

    I love your blog and congrats on having over 1000 followers! I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you!!

  172. Cheryl

    As a lifelong knitter, finding your sunny blog several months ago
    made me put away the knitting needles, and embark on teaching myself to crochet. I want candy cushions, turtles, teddies and happy ripple blankets around my home.

    Can’t find Nako yarn in my country,
    but did find one I think might be close in quality because it’s also made in Turkey. To gain confidence I’m starting with a simple
    double crochet striped blanket in bright, happy colors.

    Thank you for the inspiration, and the chance to win such lovely things.

  173. Paula

    I have ambitions to start a blog one day but until then, I am a follower. And I get so excited when you add a post! You make me smile with your colorful work and beautiful photographs! 🙂
    Paula in Caribou, Maine

  174. Cathrine

    I love the colors. Great give away.

  175. Carolyn Geoffrey

    Congratulations on 1144 followers of your post!! I expect you will more than double the number of followers in the following year 🙂

    I love your posts, they are both informative and very interesting. Thank you for letting us have a peek into your world 🙂


  176. Alejandra

    Felicitaciones!!!! Me encanta recibir tus noticias y ver hermosos trabajos coloridos y alegres!!!!!! Un abrazo desde Buenos Aires. Alejandra

  177. Aline

    What a lovely giveaway! Of course I participate 🙂

  178. Pam

    What a nice give away! I love BUTTONS!!!

    I’m happy that you enjoyed your vacation! How can one not buy fridgies on vacation???? :-))

  179. Dina

    Helllllooooo!!!! I just love your blog and wait patiently each day to see if there will be a post! Your bright colors are an inspiration! I wish you the best of health and happiness in the next months.
    Thank you for the joy that you put into the world. It is a better place because of you.

  180. Teri

    I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your colorful creations. Your work is so whimsical and fun! I love the bright colors!

  181. Carolien

    Oh I love reading your blog and I really love the yarn you use for your creations. So I wouldn’t want to miss out on a chance to win some 🙂

    Tnx for the opportunity and please keep on posting such great colourful posts on your blog!

    Hugs, Carolien

  182. Darlene

    What a wonderful way to celebrate!!! All of us yarn-addicted people surely appreciate the prize package you have put together. Have a good week!!

  183. fatima

    Hola amiga, que agradable es poder lograr un sueño, y eso lo has plasmado con tu blog, mil felicitaciones por ello, un placer para mi su lectura, y esperando seguir disfrutando por mucho tiempo.

    Recibe mis saludos de esta parte del mundo VENEZUELA

  184. sharon kelley

    I really enjoy your blog, and love your crochet! Here’s to 2000 readers!
    Sharon Kelley

  185. Vivian

    I’m joining with the gave-away, because it’s always fun to get à present! I’m sitting in the garden looking at the blogs i’m following and ofcourse busy crotcheting on my poncho. I’m at my 25th rond. How many rounds do you need for an adult version? Love your blog and greetings from Alblasserdam (netherlands).

  186. penelope10

    What a fab giveaway!!!

  187. Janet Brani

    What fun buttons! Congratulations on 1000+

  188. MrsRow

    I read your blog through google reader. Love your crochet work and paintings! 🙂

  189. Crystal

    This is my first post ever on any site. I just love your site, your patterns, and your inspiration. I live in Georgia (USA), and I started crocheting last December, after unsuccessful attempts to teach me when I was 12 years old. I am not 55 and a mom of a 12 year old! Well, with all of the homework, soccer, football, band, and basketball, I started to re-learn the art of crochet to calm my nerves. It just came back to me in a snap. I made a baby throw that was inspired by your “Love Birds”, and I made some granny square bags for my Sunday school girls that were inspired by “Royal Sisters”. Boy, did that draw attention at church. I have so many orders for them that my nerves are going crazy again!. Thank you, and so many others, for you inspiration.


  190. Crystal

    i meant to say i am NOW 55!!! sorry!

  191. patonslake

    I enjoy your blog and your craft. Your colors are fun and lively. I have made your cat and am looking for colors to crochet the poncho for my granddaughter, who recently turned two. Finally thank you for your patterns and tutorials. You can not imagine how helpful it is for me to see the work “live”. It makes my projects a joy rather than a challenge.

  192. Maggie Hassett

    Good Morning Angie! How are you feeling today? You are so lovely for wanting to have a giveaway of your favorite yarn and buttons! I looked up Mirage Yarn online but they do not appear to be the same yarn that you use in your projects. Is it possible for your source of this yarn to make it available for your fans, online or through the mail? I want to be able to say that I made a particular crochet item with the very same brand yarn as Angie uses! 🙂 I’ve purchased some of your patterns but I have not yet found a place to purchase the perfect Mirage yarn with which to make the adorable items from your patterns. I can see the very same buttons that you are giving away on some of your creations on this blog page. Soooooooo precious!!!! Have a good day, Angie! 🙂

  193. Lauren

    What a GENEROUS giveaway……your beloved “color” inspired treasures. It will be a blessing to whomever is lucky enough to receive it. I think the greatest reasure of all is the HANDMADE item from you. You put such heart into all of your creations…..and are truly an inspiration. I look forward to your posts! Namaste and PEACE to you and yours. ~Lauren

  194. Tara

    Congratulations on passing 1,000 followers! I’m enjoying your blog, your creations, and your sweet personality. Thank you.

  195. Denise

    J’aime votre univers coloré et j’espère qu’un jour vous allez vendre vos articles sur Etsy et alors je peux en acheter. Les boutons sont très beaux et j’espère que je gagne. Denise (Royaume-Uni)

  196. agiistar

    dear, Sucrette! Your colorful blog and wonderful chroshets never repeat. I love it!!! You make fabulous inspiration, than you very much for this 🙂

  197. Zi

    Wow wow wow! I love your blog!
    And i would love to win 😉

  198. TracySC

    What a lovely give-away you are so thoughtful.

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now – so far I have made a little poncho using your pattern for my grand daughter, I am going to start on the little Christmas stocking soon and would love to win this yarn as I think the colours would work very well.

    Thankyou for your lovely blog it is always fun and colourful..

    love Tracy

  199. Denise

    Ohhh, what a lovely giveaway, you are very generous! Congratulations on passing 1000 followers, but I’m not at all surprised, your blog is wonderful! I’m always excited to read your new posts, your enthusiasm motivates me to crochet even more 🙂

  200. JaneB

    Congratulations! I love your blog and your patterns, always with the bright, cheery colors.

  201. MARIA

    Me encanta leer su blog!! Siempre tiene cosas tan bonitas y espero leer muchos mas.

    I love to read your blog! You always have beautiful things and I hope to read a lot more!

  202. Judith & Mirian

    Thank youfor the chance, congratulation on yours many followers!!! Those colors!! and the buttons!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!
    Hugs from Argentina

  203. Penny

    The yarn is beautiful and I love buttons. Your blog is amazing, its on my bookmark. Thanks for sharing your crafts, ideas and a part of your life.
    Congratulations on reaching 1000. Yipee.

  204. moleymakes

    I simply love reading your blog Angie. I don’t often comment on here but your blog is definitely one of my favourites. It’s always full of wonderful colours and inspiration.

    Thank you so much for bringing such joy and for this lovely giveaway.

  205. Patricia

    Holaaaaa!que lindos regalitos….y que fantástico tener tantos seguidores, pero eso no me asombra ya que hace trabajos hermosos…Espero tener suerte…besotes

  206. Johanne


    I’ve been meaning to drop a few words for a while.

    first I want to congratulate you on the new addition to your wonderful family.

    Second I want to let you know I really love your work. Where do you find the time to do all this with taking care of family, house etc…

    Finally, I want to let you know that you inspire me to do more crochet…. again, love your patterns.


  207. angie

    hi. thanks so much for all you do. i love getting your email so i can click on to see what new things you have for me to look at and learn. i love how you use lots of colors and are willing to share your knowledge with us all. no matter what life gives us you seem to make it full of happieness with everything you do. all the colors just makes me smile. love your house and what you have in it and that you are you and not following the normal thing by not putting all those colors in your home. it is full of life and joy and lived in. thanks till your next new email i can’t wait to see what else you are doing. thanks and please don’t stop.

  208. Jeannette

    Hello Sucrette,
    I love your blog, especially the colors. I think most of your followers love you because your always cheerfull and friendly.
    You are already giving all that away every day and also so much free patterns. Thanks a lot.

  209. Jenny

    I love your blog, always such lovely bright colours for your crochet, and your lovely paintings are tempting me to have a go at that as well.

  210. Pammy Sue

    I would love to win something from you! How very special. Love the yarn colors, and no one can have too many buttons! 🙂

  211. Linda

    I love your blog and would love to be entered in your giveaway. You so inspire me. June 4 would have been my dad’s birthday.

    Thank you, Linda

  212. Lilya

    Hello Angie! I by chance got on your blog and very thankful to this case! Interesting me to read everything, that you write!Going out in the internet, I open your blog first, whether there is a new letter from you, being glad I read!!! For me good family, I bring up two daughters 1,7 and 12.Thank you very much to you for that you are, you as lift a sun to me mood by the work!!! Thank you!

  213. Erika

    I’m so glad that you’ve given me the push to not be shy and comment. I’ve been wanting to tell you how much I love your blog and get so very happy when I get the notice that a new one is up. The giveaway looks yummy!!! Thank you for the chance to win!

  214. Corien

    Wow… a lot of followers and a lot of comments to this post too!
    No wonder, because you have an inspiring blog and the give away is wonderfull too.
    I would love to take a chance and join the give away.
    xxx Corien.

  215. NapaNonnie

    Love your “sweet” international blog.

  216. susana

    What wonderful things!!!!!!!Congratulations for give away and I´ll take a chance. Kisses. SUSANA

  217. Ria

    Just can not resist to enter this great give away!! You are so generous and you give so much inspiration to so many people all over the world!! So l’m going to take a little chance also!! Thanks for all your sharing! greetings from Turkey!!

  218. Charlotte

    Alors moi, je ne gagne jamais rien mais il faut bien que je crois en ma chance! Bisous d’Angleterre ! :)) )(Ou il fait une chaleur intense!!!)

  219. Brenda Jones

    Hi Sucrette thanks so much for hosting a giveaway. I love your site and come here often to see what lovely things you are making. Congratulations on having so many followers. I love the colors of the yarn and the buttons. I am humbled by your talent and hope that I can be considered for your lovely prizes.


  220. Sylviane

    Bonjour Sucrette,
    C’est vraiment une très gentille attention d’offrir toutes ces belles choses à une de tes lectrices !
    Je viens souvent sur ton blog et à chaque fois je me régale ! Continue à nous enchanter avec tes posts !
    A bientôt, Sylviane

  221. Nancy Sanchez

    Hello over there in Lebanon! … From way over here in Idaho, USA… You have a really big, sweet and caring heart, it does my heart good to read your warming and welcoming letters… Kinda makes this big ole world seem connected and cozy… Thank you dear!

  222. Dominique

    Hello Sucrette,

    I have admired and followed your blog for some time now and always love to see what new project and which vivid colour combination you will use next. Your blog is a cheery place to come for inspiration and for colour therapy. Congrats on the baby to be!


  223. cannellecha

    bonjour, bien sur pour le plaisir de jouer, mais j’aime beaucoup vos ouvrages et la qualité de vos articles , très bonne continuation dans la rédaction de votre blog, j’arrive pas à m’inscrire sur votre news. mais je viens régulèrement vous lire bravo

  224. Nata

    Hi Sucrette, thanks for sharing your colorful world! I love your blog and come by every day to see what’s new. Congratulations for so much followers! I like to try my luck with your beautiful giveaway, too… so kind of you, thanks a lot :-))

  225. ninitte64

    je participe avec grand plaisir à ce giveaway. ton blog est un régal de couleurs, de gaieté, de tutos et de lecture.
    why not ? maybe i’ll have the begineers luck to win these yarns and buttons !!
    longue vie à TON BLOG – amicalement

  226. Alma

    Oh this giveaway makes my heart go pitter-patter!! Those colors , those adorable buttons! This yarn stirs all kinds of lovely ideas of possibilities. I have been going through a dry spell lately with ideas but this would be just the thing I need to get me going. I don’t have anything this vibrant. I would love to crochet some new cushion covers for my kitchen, or maybe a wall hanging, or maybe some doll dresses… And that toilet paper cover is so cut and clever to brighten any bathroom. I could go on… would love this so. Great giveaway and your success is much deserved.

  227. Nicola Pierce

    I lve your blog – so colourful and inspiring. I’m newish to crochet and craft and I love looking at your site and all your beautiful covers. The giveaway is so enticing – what a beautiful set of buttons (I am obsessed with buttons) and lovely yarn. Keep blogging!

  228. Jutta

    I love your blog so much! (but i couldn’t subrscribe it today, there was a failure notice!) please don’t stop working on your adorable projects! i simly love your style. 😀

    • Jutta

      Oh, it worked now! 😉

  229. Kelsey

    Wow, I just discovered you and your wonderful blog through Ravelry yesterday, and here you are having a giveaway! What a happy coincidence 🙂 I don’t normally spend a lot of time in the blogosphere, but all of your patterns and projects left me so inspired that I knew I couldn’t leave without putting your blog in my bookmarks! But, honestly, your giveaway couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve only been crocheting for a few months, and my “stash” is so small it doesn’t even deserve to be called a stash. It’s hard to get supplies when you have a disability and the nearest craft store or lys is over an hour away :/ Even so, I have learned SO much about crochet over the past few months by using what little yarn I have, and I will continue to do so! In fact…. I think I’ll wrap this up and get to work on one of my projects right now if you don’t mind 🙂

    Thank you for the blog, the inspiration, and all the amazing patterns!

    Good luck, everyone!


  230. Patty :-)

    Happy 1000 Followers!
    You make it fun for all of us!
    Thank you! 🙂

  231. Claire

    Congratulations on your new child and the 1000+ followers. Your blog is a joy to visit, especially after a hard day at work. You have inspired me to step outside my comfort zone for colors.

  232. Andrea

    Oh! what a lovely giveaway!!! I hope I’m lucky this time though I never win in giveaways! haha but it’s fun to participate! I’ve been following you since february or something like that and I absolutely love reading your blog. 🙂 Have a nice day Angie!

  233. shannon ernst

    Love your blog! And would love to win this giveaway!

  234. Mira Karajz

    Wonderful blog. Your colourful blankets are amazing! Love them.
    I am reading every week your blog and using your patterns for my work:)
    Thank you very much for this.

    Mira from Budapest

  235. HillyT

    Oooh, yes please, I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I’m making a baby blanket using one of your patterns at the moment, I’ll send you a link when I’m finished (can’t put it on my blog yet, it’s a surprise!)
    Love Harriet

  236. Dana Plitt

    Love to look at your bright projects… They make me smile. Would love to try this yarn … This giveaway is very kind of you.
    Dana in Jacksonville Fl

  237. Donna T

    Love seeing all of your beautiful creations! You have inspired me to pick up the crochet hook again. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this give away.

  238. julie

    Love your blog!! Very cheerfull and colorfull…
    Keep inspiring!

  239. Stephanie B.

    I love everything on this post. The yarn is yummy, the toilet paper holder is really cute and love the other things too. what a fun bunch of things. congrats on having 1144 followers

  240. Haley J.

    Squeee! What a lovely prize! I would love to work with a new yarn. 🙂

  241. Shirley B

    I love your blog, it brings so much sunshine into my life and is a delight to read, your colours are amazing and i just love hearing what you are up to. Your crochet is so inspiring and your home is full of love, sunshine, happiness and beautiful inspiration. Congratulations on your 1144 followers and also baby no 3. Wishing you lots of happiness always x

  242. eva

    Dear Sucrette: I really admire you work. So colorfull and bright!!.. I visit your blog at least twice a week. Hope I get these wonderfully coloured yarns. Greetings and thank you for sharing your work.

  243. sophie

    coucou, je participe, géniale ton idée pour le papier toilettes lol

  244. Hannah Rose

    what lovely colours!!! your blog as always is a joy!! x

  245. Barb

    I love your blog. So many colourful things. One of my favourite clients is from Lebanon.

  246. Claire

    Wow! What a lovely giveaway – exceptionally generous!

  247. maite

    I love your blog
    I admire your work so colorfull and funny
    Sorry, I dont speak in english but I read your blog to learn it
    Thanks a lot
    I’m a 3 girls mum, congratulation for your 3rd and good luck and hapiness for you and your family

  248. Karen

    Ah! I love reading your blog, such lovely colours in your bright happy home! Fantastic giveaway! LOVE the wool 🙂 xxx

  249. hales

    what beautiful colours! if i won this giveaway i would make a lovely cushion for my bedroom chair! much love
    hales xx

  250. Kris Riddle

    I love your colorful house!! I hope you pick me.

  251. Lucinda Silva

    I want, I want!! I love your colors!
    Congratulations for your fantastic blog and thank you for sharing your projects!
    Hugs from Portugal!

  252. Linda

    Your blog is like a ray of sunshine! It always brightens my day, I love the beautiful colours you use and your projects are so happy. Thank you for all you share here it’s always a pleasure to visit.
    I’d love to be considered for your giveaway. Thank you!

    Have a wonderful colourful day.
    Best wishes
    Linda x

  253. Dawn

    I love your blog and all your beautiful colors! Thank you for the giveaway!

  254. Kelli Woodall

    What a generous giveaway! Reading your blog though is quite a treat itself, so colorful and sweet. Congrats on all your followers!

  255. Kayleigh

    What cute buttons! I love those yarn colors and congrats on 1k followers!

  256. Patricia Giménez

    Love your posts as well as everything you knit !!! Hope to be lucky and win your beautiful prizes !!!! Love from Argentina,

  257. Lilea

    Congratulations on reaching so many followers! I always enjoy reading your lovely blog.

    Thank you also for such a generous giveaway!

  258. Diana

    Congratulations on passing your 1,000 followers and welcome back from your vacation. I just found and started following your blog in the last month and enjoy your blog and your colorful projects. It inspired me to grab some yarn and hook and make a ripple throw for my living room. I usually knit in my spare time, but have done some crocheting in the past.

  259. Amanda

    I love to read your posts and see your pictures. They are always so pretty. You make beautiful things! Thank you 🙂

  260. Helen Witcombe

    Ohhhh, I hope I win!

    Sending you all my bestest regards

    Helen x

  261. Diane

    Congratulations on passing the 1000 followers mark!!

    Thanks for the beautiful giveaway! I would certainly be thrilled to received it.

    Hugs from the USA.

  262. Karista

    What a lovely giveaway! I subscribe to your feed in my emails and enjoy stopping by your blog for inspiration on a regular basis. Thank you for offering such a sweet gift to whomever the winner is!

  263. Anne

    Your work is just beautiful and inspiring I love colour as well.Love every thing.

  264. Sherri Ireson

    Love your blog! Now I need to make the toilet paper cover!

  265. Wehaf

    Congratulations on reaching so many followers! My fingers are crossed that I’ll win this marvelous package. 🙂

  266. Erin

    this is the perfect chance to say.. i LOVE your blog!! its so colourful and beautiful!! thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  267. Rebecca

    A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! Stunning crafter you are. I am new to crochet and I love your work. I hope to one day be able to do all of the work I see on your pages.

  268. Karen

    Love your colorful blog. I always enjoy stopping by for a visit.
    Great giveaway!

  269. Aisyahelga

    Wow! What a great giveaway, Angie! Congrats on achieving over 1,000 followers! May there be more 🙂

  270. Jenn

    Hiya Angie!!!

    Congrats on all your followers!!!! I hope to reach that many people one day who love reading my blog as much as we love reading yours! I’ve never participated in a giveaway before.

    Have a wonderful day!

  271. Princesse

    Bonjour, bravo pour votre blog.
    Beaucoup de plaisir
    Bonne journee

  272. J.

    Bonjour, magnifique blog, superbe giveaway aussi. Bonne journée 🙂

  273. Debra

    Love your blog and creations you make. Have made the stocking and even did one in crochet thread. Keep up the great work.

  274. beth eathorne

    i love the color you have everywhere in your home. thank you for all the free patterns you post. It is nice to know i am not alone in my love of crochet.

  275. Keirsten

    I’ve just discovered your blog and have been reading it avidly! I love your beautiful crochet patterns!

  276. Nana GoGo

    What a very generous giveaway. The toilet roll holder would look particularly good in my newly decorated bathroom which has some of the same colours! Fingers crossed!

  277. Nana GoGo

    Forgot to say I love all of your colourful work too!

  278. Carine Hartman-Priem

    Congrats with more than 1000 followers. Love to read your blog. You have amazing ideas.


  279. carnam

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I always love your works! You’re such a talented person, you have my envy 😉
    Congratulations on all your followers! I’m sure the number will keep rising.

  280. Sangeetha

    Congratulations, So glad that I am one among the 1000. Your colourful blog inspired me to start my own and I hope someday I make the 1000 mark. Thrilled to participate in my first giveaway. Take care. Grow and glow.

  281. Karen


    Love reading your beautiful blog and your wonderful creations.

    It’s a great way to encourage more hand-made craft.


  282. Iris

    Hi Sucrette,

    I love your blog, it is an inspiration and your tutorials are really clear. Thanks!


  283. Sandrine

    Bonjour Sucrette,

    Merci pour tous ces merveilleux posts qui amènent un vrai rayon de soleil dans mon quotidien.
    Je participe bien volontiers à ton jeu.
    Bonne journée !
    Sandrine (de Paris)

  284. monica

    Hi Angie, this is my first time I write you. Your site is so lovely and cheerful. I have learned a lot from you and learn to crochet diferent grannies. Go on. You are an inspiration for your followers.
    Regards Monica

  285. pinky

    Thanks for a great giveaway Sucrette, love it all.

  286. Diane

    You are such a talented one of a kind person.

    You use such colorful, beautiful and happy colors that make me go ahhhhh.

    I love your site and love all your cheerful crochet master pieces.

    You are such an inspiration!!

    Keep on bringing on those chef d’oeuvres

    Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

  287. becky

    Wow! Such a nice giveaway!! You are very generous, Angie! The colors in the buttons and yarn are stunning. Whoever receives this gift will be thinking of you, Angie, and will surely appreciate your generosity. I look forward to reading your blog in the morning when I awaken. When I open my email, I am hoping to receive your blog that day! Always interesting, positive, and creative! Thanks for writing your blog. Becky

  288. Kirsten

    I love your projects 🙂 Keep up the colourful spirit!


  289. maggie

    Hi angie,just got home from Hospital and saw your email ,iam a beginner, although i have made a 20 crochet granny and machine knit blankets from granny squares, for Charity.
    Our Charity is, Wraps of love and when i make these blankets ,i get so much inspiration from your work.They are so full of color.
    Our blankets go to third world countries ,i try to put some color into there Day. thanks for all your tips and efforts by putting sunshine into my day and many others.

    Regards maggie, From Sunny Australia

  290. Amanda

    Lovely colors! I am so impressed with your creativity and your skill. I just started crocheting. Your blog is an inspiration. It is no surprise that you have so many followers. Thank you for sharing!

  291. Andrea

    Would love love love to win such a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you!

  292. Jane

    Hello Angie,
    I am soooooo,….very shy to write from Kenya-Africa. One because I do not have a blog, and two because I represent many……very many of us unofficial followers. I visit your blog every week and have learned how to do diverse projects. For example, through your inspiration, I made a cute red poncho for my niece!!!!
    Your love for life, and your joy are truly contagious.
    Your colorful world inspires me. one of these days if i get a camera i will show you little projects I have as a result of your exuberant inspiration.
    Many blessings.

  293. amberleena

    thank you, merci, grazie, arigato e toda rabah,
    for the candy coloured sugar you bring to the day.

  294. Kristin

    I always think the yarn you use is so beautiful, I would love to try it out! Thanks for the opportunity!

  295. Laura L

    I love your blog and all your creations! I just started your circle in a square pattern for my very first granny square project ever. Congrats on 1000+ followers!

  296. Shari Davis

    Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful yarn and fun buttons! Your blog brightens my days! Thanks for sharing!!


  297. Barbara Reichard

    Oh how wonderful that you have chosen such colorful prizes. Just like your beautiful site and all your projects.

    Best regards, Barbara

  298. Dee

    I love reading your blog in the morning with my cup of coffee. It fills me with joy and happiness

    Take care

  299. Debora

    Wow great colors! Never heard of the brand though, will give it a try!

  300. DAMARIS



  301. Diane

    Hello! It is very fun to read a blog from such a colorful and friendly person, and by the way, I LOVE childish, colorful “stuff” and buy a lot of it too! Also, I am fascinated by the fact that you live in Lebanon. Were you born there or moved there? I live in Amish Country USA.

  302. monika


    nunca escribo porque el inglés no sé me da bien. Pero entro siempre que me llega un e-mail para ver tus novedades.
    Me encanta como combinas los colores y todas las cosas hermosas que haces.
    Yo soy una recién iniciada en esto del crochet, empecé hace poco más de un año, después de enfermar de leucemia y ahora es como una adicción.

    Ojalá te vaya siempre muy bien en la vida. Besos con neupogen que siempre vienen bien.


  303. Kathy

    I love your blog. Your projects are beautiful and inspiring making me wish I were home crocheting instead of at work. Ahhh, to dream. Thank you for your generous giveaway offer.

  304. katie

    Oh wow. It would be great to win your prize. love the blog!!

  305. Marie

    Que c’est beau et coloré ! J’aimerais bien gagner, alors je tente ma chance !

  306. Titi

    Ton cadeau ! J’adore. Merci pour le jeux. Je te donne mon adresse 🙂

  307. Tricia

    Hi, I,ve just stumbled across your blog, your crochet is beautiful, I absolutely adore all the bright colours, they are so happy

  308. Doni

    Sweet Sucrette – I am but one devoted reader…thank youfor the color & crochet joy you bring to us with every post. Wishing you happiness & good health.

  309. Selena

    I feel somewhat shy and almost a little posting to try to win your affection and giveaway, but those buttons are just too cute and I can’t restrain myself! Congratulations on flying past the magical 1000, here’s to hitting 2000 🙂 xx

  310. Hannah

    Congrats on your huge number of followers! You do such great stuff. I love the yarn and buttons! I’ve never heard of the yarn brand or the crochet hook brand so I’m excited about this giveaway. Thanks for making it possible!

  311. Chelsea W

    What a generous giveaway! I love the vibrant colors. Have a wonderful day!

  312. jmscrochet

    Beautiful giveway. Love the colors!!!

  313. Renate

    Realy like your blog!
    Please note me for the swap please

  314. Kathy

    Love, love, love the buttons! And your blog!

  315. SalmaGlez

    Hi Angie, Congratulations about your colorful blog!!!!!!
    Thank you for the giveaway, It’s so generous of you, I love all the prizes, I’ll love to make a blanket with these yarns, and some amigurumis too,
    Thank you again, you are shipping overseas!!!!!!!,It’s wonderful!!!! I live so far from you
    Have a nice day to all

  316. gourmandise

    bravo pour tes créations si colorées
    bizz ^^

  317. Sarah

    I love your colorful world!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  318. Noemi

    Hola Angie,
    Un gusto.como de costumbre leer tu blog.
    Gracias por todos los patrones y hermosas fotos de tus trabajos.
    Me encantaron los hermosos colores de las lanas y botones que incluyes en este premio. Exito para todas/os. Un abrazo

  319. Rose Cavallari

    I have been crocheting about 8 months now and ran across your wonderful blog. I enjoy reading about your projects and have made some of your coasters and am almost ready to make a poncho for myself! I love the colors you use and always look forward to what you are going to do next. Congratulations on the new baby! Little ones bring such joy!

  320. Kate

    Dear Sucrette,
    all your things are so beautiful and lovely…I especially liked the colors of your yarns and the buttons! I hope I win it!! 🙂 Kate in USA. 🙂

  321. Karen

    What lovely colours of yarn and such cute goodies !!
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway !!

  322. Traci

    I love love love the colors of the yarn! Gorgeous!

  323. Lísa

    Hi 🙂 I have been looking at your blog for some months now, love the colors you use, I have never leave a comment before, just want to say Hi from Iceland 🙂 look forward to see what you will do next.

    Lisa from Iceland 🙂

  324. Jennifer

    Love your blog and all the cheerful colors you use!!!!

  325. Mary Jo

    Your blog brings beautiful color, infectious laughter, and wonderful JOY to my days!

  326. Janet

    Love your colorfu blog and great patterns. You are a great source of inspiration!

  327. Amanda

    Love your colourful and happy blog, so glad to be one of your 1000 followers xx

  328. McKenna

    I just discovered your blog, and I love it!! It’s so cool!

    Those yarns look amazing! Please enter me in your giveaway.


  329. Eva

    Hello! I took a peak the other day and I love that you have a give away! Pick me!

  330. LittleSusie HomeMaker

    Hi, I have been back to your blog over and over again. I don’t comment often, but read very faithfully! Love your colors and all your charts, and you have such inspirational chrochet projects. Congrats on the newbie coming!
    from Colorado!

  331. Sandy

    I so enjoy your blog. I have been a ‘lurker’ for some time. I am just
    beginning to crochet, so like to see the beautiful and colorful things
    you are making.
    Thank you for sharing!

    Sandy from the U.S.

  332. Karin

    So here I was thinking, what a wonderful surprise, a giveaway on a blog that does not really get much back from any of the information that she is sharing….how lovely is that. It must be so rewarding, I find that whenever I create something and I share my creations with friends and family the happy feedback is often so welcome, sometimes I think I thrive on it!! Well, just want to say you are an inspiration to a lot of people in the world, keep up the excellent work.

  333. Anne

    This is an adorable and useful finishing touch to any bathroom decor. It has been a few months since I did a crochet project and this was very inspiring. What a terrific toilet tissue holder, now I want to make one, too.

  334. Rebecca

    I love your blog! You have inspired me to make my home as colorful as yours!

  335. NathfromParis

    Felicitations Angie pour ton adorable blog et ta bonne humeur communicative !
    Prends soin de toi et du bébé à venir .
    Longue vie à ton blog !

  336. Esther

    LOL, almost 400 entries. Yeah, I am very confident about winning. Hahaha (NOT!!). Anyway, congrats with all the followers, I just love your crochet and you so deserve it! Thanx for a chance to win.

  337. Aurélie

    Bon … même si la chance n’est pas de mon coté en ce moment, je tente quand même :). Donc je participe avec plaisir.

    Ces superbes pelotes et boutons me tentent énormément !! dommage qu’on ne trouve pas cette marque en France, ce sont LES couleurs que je cherche !!! 😉

    Je viens régulièrement sur votre blog et je suis émerveillée par toutes ses superbes créations !!!!

    Bravo de nous éblouir tous les jours !!!!!

  338. sarah wheatley

    I have just found your blog and it is beautiful. I am not on my second crochet poncho! 🙂

  339. DILOU91

    Coucou, moi aussi moi aussi je tente ma chance, ton blog est une féerie de couleurs et de joie!!! j’adore. Bonne journée. Dilou

  340. Ildiko

    I love this blog too.
    And I would like to win. 🙂
    Ildiko from Hungary

  341. monica

    me encanta tu blog, transmite mucha alegria. TE felicito por tu embarazo y que todo vaya bien

  342. Darya

    Hi, it’s Darya 🙂 Probably, you don’t remember me, but a while ago I used your tea coasters pattern and made a tea cozy and coasters in some bright colours.
    Well, it’s not really important. But what is important is that you still inspire me with your great heart warming blog. Thank you for that!

  343. Vickyb

    I so love your blog and your very sweet posts – they always make me smile. You’ve chosen some beautiful colours to give away, and some very cute buttons. I haven’t been able to source any Mirage yarn from around where I live, but I know how much you rave for it, so I’m keen to try it!

    Thanks for posting! Vx

  344. Susan Ernst

    Your blog is my favorite. Thanks for being you!

  345. Helen

    I love your blog and your cheery posts! You brighten so many lives!

  346. Stefania

    Hello. My name is Stefania and I live in Italy. I love your blog and the lovely beautiful thinghs you make.
    Thank you so much for inspire me.

  347. tania

    When I read your blog and see your abeautiful pics,I feel as if I have entered my secret garden.such a lovely break in my day.

  348. Grace Ann

    Yay! I’m so excited! Hopefully that prize will be sent my way! 🙂
    Thank you so much!

    ~Grace Ann~

  349. Citlali

    hello, have much time I read your blog, but this is the first time you write, as your proposal is very great one can not reject this type of gift. thanks for your blog is very nice. hugs.

  350. cristina

    Hola !!! Quiero participar !!! Me encanta todo !!!!!!!!!
    Nos vemos prontito…espero ansiosa el sorteo
    Un fuerte abrazo

  351. Julie

    I just love your brightly colored world! I am of the same mindset–vivid is almost always better! Hopping over to your blog adds a little rainbow of happiness to my day. Thank-you!

  352. Silvia

    Hello! I really like this blog. I love crocheting and I find all your posts very inspired. Thank you!

  353. Liz

    Congrats on building such a beautiful blog. I blog a little when I have time and know how much work it is! Well done. PS-love the prizes too 🙂


  354. Liz

    I love reading your blog, it inspires me very much. I’m making a giant granny square now, and it’s looking amazing.
    Those buttons and yarn are beautiful! I know lots of nice things to make with it, so hopefully it will be sent to Belgium..

  355. Sandra

    I follow your blog but have never left a comment before. Always love looking at the gorgeous things you have made. Would love to win.

  356. Tracy

    I have been following your blog for the past few months but this is my first comment. I just want to know how much I look forward to seeing what you’re working on next. Everything is so colorful & absolutely gorgeous. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing!

    Tracy from Canada

  357. Karen O

    I enjoy seeing your bright and cheery blog. The colors are so happy and fill me me with joy. Thank you for your patterns, too. You give me inspiration.

  358. anny


  359. lisasgarden

    I used to just knit, but your beautiful, colorful creations have inspired me to take up the hook. I enjoy this window into your charming world.

  360. Kara

    I love your blog so much! You inspire me with your colours! I want my living room to look as bright and cheerful as yours!!

    I’d love to get my hands on the beautiful items in your giveaway! Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!

  361. Kristine

    Love your blog and love the colors of the yarn!

  362. Blair Stitch

    Ohhhhhhhhhh…..pick me, pick me! How absolutely beeeeeeeeeautiful! Have only stumbled across your blog recently and am already totally “hooked”! Xx

  363. Taciana Simmons

    I would love to enter your give away , but I already feel lke a winner for for you to share all of your projects with us. I’m from Brazil and I live in Portland, OR in the USA. Thanks for sharing and I’ll be really very lucky if I win ( I have several friends from Lebanon and they would be very happy to see something made with a yarn from their country. Thanks again for sharing a bit of your life with us 🙂

  364. Stephanie

    Wonderful colors!
    The buttons are so cute! I know what I would do with those!
    Thanks a lot,

  365. Kalli

    Your blog is fantastic! I have made many things already 🙂
    Greetings from Estonia!

  366. Sigilla

    I love your colorful projects!

  367. Ainara

    Congratulations for your blog and your next baby!
    World needs more people like you to fill it with colours!

  368. Zoe

    Your blog is very pretty and I love seeing what you have crocheted. That yarn and those buttons look very nice.

  369. Sita

    Dear Angie!
    Every time I stop by to read your blog I admire your high spirits…and of course all those lovely colors. There doesn’t seem to be a thing that ever put you in a bad mood. Keep it up!

  370. laurie ryan

    I am new to crocheting & was so happy to find your colorful blot and the great stuff you make! I love stuff & your stuff is the best!

  371. Sharlon

    Loving your blog!! Thank you so much for sharing. I started your poncho pattern over the weekend- LOVE IT! It’s exactly what I had been looking for.

  372. beberouge

    I can’t resist those colours are divine. Thanks for the lovely give away and all the wonderful inspiration that comes from your beautiful photos of your work and your home xx

  373. Bobbi

    You are beautiful! I love your crochet!

  374. Cynthia

    I’ve enjoyed your blog and creativity for several months now. June 4 is my son’s birthday, so maybe that will give me extra special luck for the give away!

  375. jenny ho

    i love to visit your colourful blog…the posts are inspiring to me…whenever i run out of ideas, i would pop over and look at all the stuff you are doing and i am ready to roll again…keep crocheting cos it is changing lives, stitch by stitch…

  376. mary

    Love the vibrant colors… Plan to have #3 on Sept. 4..I’d be honoured to share a birthdate…

  377. Carolien

    Hi Angie,
    I’m a big fan of your blog and the items you make. When it’s gray outside your blog makes me smile and feel the sun. It is time to come out and leave a comment. and thank you for the rays of the sun that you sent in to the world thank you have a beautiful weekend with the family
    Yours, Carolien

  378. sandiart

    What a gorgeous giveaway. I have been reading your blog for quite a while, not sure if I have commented before tho? I normally don’t join in on giveaways when I am not a regular commenter, however I couldn’t resist your lovely cheery invitation to do so – as cheery as your blog.
    xo Sandi

  379. caroline

    J’ai terminé une série de petites bottes de noel, il ne reste plus qu’à fair une chainette car je veux faire une guirlande (j’enverrai ensuite une photo).
    Bien sûr que je participe à votre jeu.
    Portez-vous bien. Merci pour toutes ces couleurs dynamiques.

  380. Patti Florio

    Hi Angie, Congratulations on miracle number three! I have been enjoying your blog for several months,but this is the first time I have written. Your crochet is beautiful and cheery! Good luck in the future,and I will be reading!

  381. Sandy

    So glad to hear that it is a boy! What a blessing~

    Your’s is my favorite blog to read, because you always have such joy and wonderful use of color.


  382. Susanne Ferreira

    greetings from Canada, I love your BLOG and today I began thinking that I should become a follower…I Love the little vest you made for little baby boy…in Canada a cardigan is a sweater with buttons, a pullover doesn’t have buttons and gets pulled over the head (no buttons) but I know that some folks call an undershirt a vest. keep up the great job!!p.s. I hope I win!!LOL

  383. Jessica

    Such a lovely giveaway! I’ve love to win that bright yarn 🙂

  384. WoollyBudgie

    What a wonderful giveaway! I would love a chance to win. Your blog brings a lot of happiness! Thank you and congratulations on having so many followers! Rachel x

  385. jo

    My sister-in-law is expecting her first child and your vest and booties inspired me to try and make something similar. I enjoy checking in and reading your blog. All the best,

  386. maura

    look at all these comments! everyone, myself included, we love your colors, your neat and even stitching! the clear instructions and the way your love of crochet and color and your home and family comes through. I sure hope I win, I would love to have something as colorful as what you make. Thank you for your blog, I am blessed for having found it

  387. Olga

    Hi Angie! Congratulations with your 1000+ followers!
    And of course I really want to take part in your lovely give away raffle!
    Have a sunny day! Xx

  388. Danijela

    Wow,love this,everything.Lovely giveaway and so generous of you.Buttons are so cute,yarn is colorful and never enough and hook is always needed.I love visiting your blog,beside the patterns your posts are so colorful and lovely to read.Have a lovely week-end.

  389. JJ

    I so enjoy your blog. I purchased your little turtle and cant wait to make it. Have a fun prgnancy 🙂

  390. M

    Awesome giveaway!:)

  391. Yvonne Spencer

    Thank you for sharing your lovely creations. You are so inspiring, and your color choices are wonderful! Congratulations on over a thousand followers, and you are so generous to give away that gorgeous yarn!!!

  392. Tara Leigh

    Hello, from sunny South Florida in the U.S.A. Your website is much like the Florida sun.. bright, happy, carefree and cheerful! I always love browsing around your site. I am an interior decorator so colors are near and dear to my heart. I love your flare of colors in your home and in your crochet. They are a reflection of your personality and generosity. Many thanks for sharing a piece of yourself with all the visitors to your site. Wishing you a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy, happy baby.


  393. Tabby P.

    Oh Angie! What a generous little giveaway! Those little buttons and yarn look so yummy! Thank you for being so kind!

    XO- Tabby

  394. Audrey K.

    I love all that you are able to do with yarn ! I love your blog and even if i’m a bit shy, I must participate to this giveaway !

  395. sarah jane

    Delurking here to drool at the lovely yarn, son1 has already requested a blanket just like your baby blanket. But really I am very much needing the toilet roll cover, my two terrors are always finding the spare rolls and festooning the bathroom with it or blocking the toilet by dropping them in.

  396. fernanda

    Your blog is an inspiration to me. Great job!

  397. Patrícia

    I found your blog a few days ago and I love it
    You create magic with your needles
    And I hope I can win your giveaway, I already imagine many things to do
    Best luck for you and your family

  398. Kathleen Harvey

    I love the colors and all supplies are great. Love your blog!

  399. jade

    Trop tard pour jouer mais je suis heureuse qu’Annie ait gagné; C’est grâce à elle si je visite ton blog aujourd’hui. en tout cas félicitations pour ta grossesse, et tes travaux la brassière et les chaussons sont très réussis gros bisous

  400. Pingback: Something new on my hook

  401. Carola

    Ojala ojala ojala!! me encantaria ser tan afortunada!!! Te felicito me encanta lo que haces!!!

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