
September 8, 2012

Hello hello hello!

How are you my friend? It’s been a while and I really missed you…

I’m living surrounded by my yarn and my wips, watching them everyday but not being able to work with them that much…my fingers and hands hurting me a lot…

But it makes me happy having them near my bed 🙂

I’m reading a lot too and I’m waiting….waiting…waiting…waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg

waiting for my C-section which will be on september17…8 days to go now…

I’m a little stressed and worried but can not wait to hold my little boy in my arms…

I thought I would pop by and tell you a little hello-post cause I really really missed you…

and I hope that everything is going well for you 🙂

Have to go now…

Wish me good luck…

Will come back soon I promise;)

Warm kisses!



  1. Becci Sundberg

    Goodluck for you c/s, the 17th is my youngests 3rd birthday!

  2. Laura

    Hello!!! You’ve chosen the perfect day for your C section as my youngest boy was born on Sept 17th!!!! Whilst I will be up to my elbows in birthday cake and crazy 8 year olds, I will also be thinking of you and your very special event! Good luck and savour every moment ….. they grow up sooooo fast! lol and hugs xxx

  3. faith

    You will be fine and so happy to have your little baby boy in your arms! Nature is telling you what is the most important thing right now…and, that is finish growing your baby. Just hang in there…and, we will be here for you when you can be back! Wishing you the best! You have such a sweet spirit, I always love reading your posts! <3

  4. Carine

    Continuez à bien vous reposer. Ce ne sera que du bonheur d’avoir votre bébé très bientôt.
    Je vous embrasse bien fort et penserai à vous le 17.

  5. Claire

    Best of luck, I’ll be thinking of you! X

  6. Sangeetha

    Dear Angie, Glad to hear from you. The last few days must be really testing your patience. I must add, I am anxious to see your little prince too. So wishing you all the best for a safe C section. You are in my prayers and we will be waiting here for you, when you come back.
    Lots of love and hugs.
    (Are you sure you don’t want to do it on the 10th Sept… it is my birthday. Haha…just joking.)

  7. Annie

    Bientôt Sucrette le petit prince sera dans tes bras….encore un peu de patience,bon courage pour ta césarienne le 17,je penserai bien fort à toi…gros gros gros bisous ma belle

  8. NathfromParis

    Tout va très bien se passer .Repose-toi bien pour être en forme pour accueillir bébé .
    Tous mes voeux.

  9. Annette

    What a beautifull colors!!!
    Take it easy!!

    Good luck.. make a beautifull baby.. lol!!

  10. Susan Greenhow

    You are exactly in the same boat as ‘Little Tin Bird’ (blog) she is waiting for her baby due soon and cannot crochet either for the same reasons! Go along and have a read, she is lovely!
    Susan x
    PS don’t read my blog tho’ it’s not a pretty one.

  11. Betty Guyomarch

    je comprend tout à fait ton impatience ! courage, bientôt tu auras ton petit garçon dans tes bras !
    gros bisous

  12. domi83

    cool bientôt un beau bébé qui va naître dans un environnement de couleurs joyeuses 😉 je penserai à toi le 17 et tu vas voir …. tout va bien se passer !!!

  13. Ana Silva

    I wish you the best!
    A biemtôt!

  14. Ana Silva

    Je voudrait dire à bientôt… mais je suis portuguese et j’ecrit beaucoup de betises…

  15. domi

    bonne chance et continues à te reposer et sois en forme pour acceullir ce bébé il te faudra de l’énergie plein les sacs!!!!!! bises et courage

  16. Tabby

    Been thinking about you, Angie! Keep
    those spirits up the finish line is in sight! Sometimes I just like to look at all mh yarn too and not do anything with it. But you’ll be back at it soon enough, and with a beautiful new babe to share it with. I’ve missed you and I’ll be thinking about you in your big day. Many prayers will be coming your way.
    Hugs and love!

  17. Alessandra

    Try to relax and enjoy the moment : in few days you’ll be a mum (!!!) and time to rest will be so short!!
    xxx Alessandra

  18. Karen

    Ah, I feel so sorry for you not being able to crochet or knit, it must be so frustrating! But not long to go and then you will have your beautiful baby and it will all have been worth it! Sending you lots of love and hoping the delivery all goes smoothly. Looking forward to seeing pictures of tiny baby fingers and tiny baby toes! xxxxxxxxxx

  19. Ellen

    Sending you “hugs” from Wisconsin. 🙂

  20. Dorothy

    Will be thinking of you. How exciting – not long to go now and you’ll be holding that dear little boy of yours. xoxox

  21. Tammy

    I’m glad to hear everything is okay. Will be thinking about you over the next week and wishing you well. Tammy

  22. Becky

    Was wondering how you were doing. It won’t be long till you can hold that little boy. Try to rest as much as you can. It’s going to get busy soon. Can’t wait to see pictures.

  23. Susana

    Hola Angie. Deseo que todo te vaya muy bien en el hospital y descansa mucho.

  24. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    We are all fine haha! Just take care of your self and let us know when the little one (habibi) make the right entrance into this world.
    All the best!
    Adios . Lorena

  25. lauren

    So nice to hear from you. I treasure reading your posts. They bring me joy. Blessings for a safe delivery!

  26. Sue

    I feel very sorry for you and Little Tin Bird, both waiting for a happy event and both unable to crochet for the same reason. It must very frustrating to have wips and unable to work on them.

    It will soon be over and you will have a darling little baby to cuddle.

    I will be thinking of you on the 17th. I don’t envy you with the C-section but you know you will be ok as you have been through it before.

  27. anny

    Buena suerte!!!
    Que bello momento, será un bebé bendecido, muchas felicidades

  28. N.

    Blessings and best wishes going your way! 🙂

  29. Lori

    thinking of you and hoping the days pass quickly!
    i remember the waiting and longing to hold my sweet little babies 🙂 god bless !


  30. Lucie

    Ces neuf derniers jours vont être les plus longs mais après quelle joie quant ton petit gars sera là ! Je te souhaite beaucoup de patience et de courage pour attendre le jour J.

    • http://askjeroen.nl

      Good respοnse in return of this qu&X65;stion ωith soilid arg&X75;ments annd &X74;ellin&X67; al&X6c; on thе topiс o&X66; tha&X74;.

  31. Angélique

    COurage ton petit ange arrive bientôt, tu va enfin le découvrir 😉 Profites en pour te reposer 😉 Bisous a toi et ta famille

  32. Karen Ciullo

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers!!! Soon, you will have that little sweetie in your arms!

  33. Lita

    Very good luck for a safe birth. My daughter had 2 s/c with no problems at all. My mother had 3 and I did it the ‘usual way’ twice, lol.
    I hope we get to see pics soon *hint hint*

  34. Maggie Hassett

    Hi Angie!

    It is so nice to hear from you again! I agree 100% with Faith, who wrote that nature has a way of slowing you down so that you can finish growing your baby. I can tell how sad you are that you can’t knit or crochet right now but you will be right back to working on your wip’s soon enough. Take very good care of yourself now so that you will be stronger and better prepared for your upcoming C-section. We are all so excited for you Angie and we will wait patiently to hear from you again after your son is born. God Bless you all and Good Luck on September 17th! Sending you many hugs & kisses… <3

  35. susana

    Good, good, good, good luck.Im waiting for you and your baby. Gigant kiss.!!!!!!!

  36. Debi

    So glad you popped in to say hello. Been thinking about you, hoping these final days of pregnancy were going well! Won’t be long now… 😀

  37. Hannah

    Don’t stress, sweet girl. You’ll be just fine, and so will that little boy of yours! I think waiting is just part of the pregnancy journey. My little boy was nearly two weeks “past due.” I decided that the next time I’m pregnant, I’m going to take the date they give me as the “due date” and push it back two weeks, just so I don’t get fixated on that particular day.

    Take good care of yourself, and think happy, happy thoughts!

  38. Natas Nest

    All my best wishes and good luck!!! You will see, time goes by and everything goes well :-)). And don’t be to sad about the problem with the hands, my sister had this also in her pregnancy and it went away after her baby was there 🙂

  39. mamifoise

    Bon courage petite Angi tout va bien se passer et tu auras un magnifique
    petit garçon
    Très gros bisous à bientôt

  40. Andrea

    Take it easy and the last week will go by like no time. Just think about how many days it’s been since you found out that you’ll have this little boy. So much longer. I’m praying for an easy c-section and that God might be with you, your family, and the doctors as well as nurses. Can’t wait to see what you’ll whip up next. : )

  41. Darlene

    Hello, Angie! Thinking about you every day, sending warm wishes to you and your family. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!! Cannot wait for you to bring that little boy home, get to feeling more yourself and back to crocheting! Excited for you on all sides. Take care, only 1 week left!! Love to you and your family, from Wisconsin, USA!!

  42. kara

    Good luck!

  43. carnam

    Best wishes for you and your family!
    So many lovely people reading and writing here, everyone thinking of you – there is so much positive energy flowing to you, I don’t think anything can go wrong 😉

    Just relax 😉



  45. Carol

    Kisses and warm hugs to you. Wishing you all the very best wishes. Take care.

  46. Debi Y.

    Sending you all my best wishes – and a ((hug)). 🙂

  47. Amy B

    Came to your site for the first time today. I wish you and your sweet baby the very best. I remember the nervousness, too, before an unexpected C-section 15 years ago (and 11 years as well.) Baby has a way of centering you and is really your ultimate wip! I’ll be thinking of you!

  48. Peppy

    Wishing you all the best!

  49. sarahj

    All the best for 17th(that will be my birthday) You will be in my thoughts
    and prayers. xx

  50. Antara Celetna

    Como decimos en España: have you one short hour!! Qué tengas una “horita” corta 🙂

  51. Cécileb

    La patience est toujours récompensée, courage …….

  52. Susan

    Wishing you well on your c-section. My granddaughter just had her 1st birthday on the 12th. I am sure all will go well for you. I will pray for your baby and your hands. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t use my hands to knit and crochet.

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