Baby’s patchwork bedspread

October 2, 2012


How are you today? Must show you the patchwork bedspread which I finished on September15 before little Joseph was born! Must must show you 😉 Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa


This bedspread is crocheted with a 100% acrylic yarn called Mirage and a 3.5mm crochet hook.

It is made with traditional 6 rounds granny squares joined together as-I-go with Lucy’s wonderful method 🙂

and for the edging I made 1 round of granny’s and my ole-ole border that I love so much 🙂

The bedspread is made with 154 squares (14×11) with a variety of colors (all leftovers from my stash) 🙂

and I’m in love with it 🙂

Today the girls are back to school …

Not so happy to leave their little bro at home with me 🙂 hehehe

Wishing you a wonderful day!

I hope you liked the patchwork bedspread 🙂

Thank you sooooomuch for visiting!

Big big kisses from Christina, Sarah, Baby Joe and me!



  1. gaia

    Lovely blanket, Angie!

  2. jacekica

    Blanket is so lovely, but all you do is nice, I love vivid colours.
    Girls are so big now when I compare them with baby Joseph, and he is so cute…. have a nice day!

  3. wendy

    That blanket is GORGEOUS!! Such a great way to use stash.
    Your girls are lovely as is baby Joseph.

  4. Annie

    Superbe couverture Sucrette,bravo!Bonne rentrée des classes à Christina et Sarah,gros bisous à elles,toi et baby Joe!

  5. Karen

    Oh my goodness he is just adorable, wish I could smell his little head, I love the feel & smell of babies heads 🙂
    His patchwork blanket is stunning, well done you!!!!!!
    Those big sisters look mega happy & are so pretty.
    Congrats Angie & I must say what a whopper, goodness me he is a big boy 😀
    lots of love Karen x

  6. Dorothy

    What a beautiful blanket – they say bright colours are very good for stimulating babies and I’m sure this one will be much loved by little Joseph. You have a lovely family. xoxox

  7. Becci Sundberg

    I was just wondering how things were going in your neck of the woods today.
    Love your blanket, can’t wait to get stuck into the boys ones in the new year

  8. Laura

    Beautiful blanket, beautiful girls, beautiful boy and a beautiful home!!! Thank you for sharing Angie! Have a wonderful day. xxx

  9. Barbina

    The blanket is sooo beautiful Angie! I love those colours! It fits so nicely into the baby´s room.
    Your daughters are so pretty and your little one has stolen my heart!
    Have a wonderful day too! Barbina

  10. delphine 44

    super blanket Angie ! bonne journée !
    Ravie de te relire sur ton blog !
    Delphine 44

  11. Stocki

    It turned out beautifully Angie…what a lucky little boy to have such a gorgeous bedroom! Jill x

  12. annie35

    Superbe couverture et magnifique petite famille !!

  13. laure

    quelle jolie couverture ! et que tes enfants sont mignons ! j’ai bien l’impression que tu es gaga de ton fils ! et tu as bien raison , il est à croquer!
    gros bisous!

  14. Madeleine

    What lovely pictures to start the day with! Thank you very much, and God bless!

  15. Alessandra

    The blanket is beautiful!!
    xxx Alessandra

  16. Lucie

    Ton couvre lit est superbe ! Pour une maison pleine de joie et de vie ! Et je comprends que les grandes soeurs n’aient pas eu trop envie d’en partir.

  17. DianeM

    Your blanket looks beautiful – I really like the join-as-you-go method for how it looks. The whole room is so bright and cheery. Your daughters look so cute all ready for school – I hope they are enjoying it 🙂
    Smiles, DianeM

  18. cristina

    You have a nice family! Congratulations! the bedspread is wonderful! I love these colours!

  19. Soleil

    Dear Angie! Your new blanket is wonderful as always! But more I like your gorgeous baby-boy! He is so sweet…. m-m-m… and cute….
    Your girls are very amicable on photos!
    Kisses to you and to little Joe…
    Olga Xx

  20. Liz

    Great blanket and what a gorgeous little chap! Love his expression!

  21. Joan

    What a beautiful blanket ……….love those colors 😉
    Have a nice day & God bless.

  22. Sue

    I love your blanket which has inspired me to make one for my chair. I have only be crocheting since March so I am still learning 🙂 You, Little Tin Bird, Bunny Mummy and Attic 24 are my teachers.

    Your daughters look very sweet and it is good to hear that they love their baby brother.

    Joe looks very alert. I guess he will be desperate to follow his sisters around in about 8 months time.

  23. Joyce

    Blanket, girls, baby…all so cute!

  24. Natalie

    How sweet and adorable your children are! Yes, and the blanket, of course…

  25. Any de Chile


    Que hermosa tu familia, las niñas son hermosas al igual que tu bebe…..e imagino por que no quieren volver al colegio si en casa queda el pequeño angelito….La manta quedó linda…se ve genial esa cantidad de colores….

    Cariños, que tengas un hermoso día…

  26. Ellen

    The bedspread is so colorful and pretty! You have such a beautiful family and home Angie. Baby Joe is so fortunate to have two older sisters to care for him.
    Ellen 🙂

  27. Debi

    Oh my, you have such a lovely family, Angie! Sounds like your girls are quite happy to be big sisters, huh?

    Joseph’s blanket came out so wonderfully! His room looks like such a happy place. 🙂 Just like the rest of your home.

  28. Johanne


    Oh you have a wonderful family… The blanket is gorgeous. You inspire me to make one for my grandson and the little ones in the neighborhood…. thank you so much

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy your bundle of joy….

  29. Andria

    Wonderful blanket. Beautiful family. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  30. Brenda B.

    Absolutely love your afghan! And your kids are just adorable!

  31. Lori

    The blanket is so beautiful! I have wanted to make a blanket for my teenage son, this is perfect for a boy!
    You are such an inspiration to a relatively new crochet-er 🙂


  32. Jean in NH

    Just beautiful – the blanket, the girls and the new baby! I am so impressed that you accomplished this before he was born – his room is perfect with it!

  33. Becky

    Love the blanket, really nice colors. Beautiful children!

  34. anny

    La manta divina
    La niñas preciosas y el bebe un sol hermoso
    Que Dios los colme de bendiciones

  35. Angélique

    Hooo ton fils est magnifique!!! je craque hihihi le plaid est superbe également vraiment pleins de vie et de couleurs félicitations! Je ne savais pas que tu avais également 2 princesses 😉 Tu a donc 3 enfants? Bonne journée et profite bien hihihi

  36. Anna

    The blanket is beautiful, and your children are precious. God bless your family!!!!

  37. becky

    Beautiful blanket, Angie and love your decorating taste. Darling children!!!!! Becky

  38. trish

    love it! and the kids are so cute!

  39. Maggie Hassett

    Hi Angie,
    The baby blanket is just beautiful, as are your two daughters and your son. Your girls must be so happy when they come home from school to spend more time with you and their little bro! 🙂 Thank you for sharing these photos with us! How are your hands and wrists feeling now? Hopefully, much better! Are you going back to your knitting wip? Have a nice day! Hugs and kisses to all!

  40. Fiona

    Fantastic…I am just finishing my 144 square (12×12) 6 round granny square blanket too, tonight. It is sooo satisfying, you did a great job.

  41. Karen H.

    Your patchwork blanket turned out marvelous !! With so many colours- it just dazzles !!
    Your girls are precious and look so sweet in their backpacks !!
    Baby Joe… what can I say ? He looks to be a cuddle-bug and his eyes are so alert !! His little face is so contented… Your family is lovely !!

  42. Diane

    Wow! Gorgeous blanket and gorgeous children. You do good work, mom. =)

  43. Lorena

    Bravo Angie….
    Girls, blanket, baby…
    Uh lala, you make everything to perfection!

  44. Taciana Simmons

    Oh Angie, your family is soooo beautiful! Beautiful girls and te baby sooo adorable…. Oh I almost forgot the blanket is very, very pretty … 🙂 ingot distracted by your gorgeous children ! Great job in the blanket … I love it also ! 🙂 hope you are feeling well after your surgery 🙂

  45. Inge

    Very beautiful blanket!
    Lovely pictures of your children.

  46. Alejandra

    Los niños son hermososss!!!!! La manta es colorida y por fin la vemos armada!!!!! MUchos besitos. Te felicito!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Tabby P.

    Oh! Your patchwork blanket is so pretty! It definitely inspires me to no end! Your children are adorable and so precious, how do you get any work done ever? I’d be too busy kissing those lovies to be doing anything else. Sometimes I get like that with my own girls. Loved this post dear Angie!
    Hugs and love!

  48. pippa

    your whole life is so wonderfully colourful i think i will make a bedspread like yours it looks super. Your children are cute and the baby is very alert sweet little baby
    love to all

  49. Stephanie B.

    That bedspread turned out wonderful. So nice to see pix of all the children, sweet!

  50. Cynthia

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Makes me wish mine were babies all over again! (my baby boy is 14 years old now). The blanket came out great. We are having our first ever link party at TwoLuLa (new address is The theme is baby items! I would love it if you would you post a link to your blanket. Enjoy all those lovely days with your baby!


  51. Tracy Marie

    Love, love, love the patchwork bedspread and the photos of your daughters and (brand new) son are so Adorable! 😀

  52. Carine

    Ton couvre-lit est vraiment magnifique, Bravo !
    Gros bisous aux filles, au bébé et à toi.

  53. Leah

    Belated congratulations! I haven’t been online for a while and was so excited to pop by and see your exciting news! Your new wee man is adorable. And so is the amazing bed cover you have made! It looks fantastic. I was toying with the idea of making a cover with lots of single cover blocks and seeing yours it has made me want one even more! Have a fab weekend hon. Take care.

  54. Lily

    Hi Angie – I love the colours in your patchwork blanket. They make the room look so warm and cosy. I bet your girls are sad to leave their little brother behind even for a little while. Lily. xxx

  55. Marina

    Cute son and daughters!
    And a very pretty blanket.
    Enjoy all the cuddling 🙂

    Marina from NL

  56. debra

    Your blanket is wonderful. You do beautiful work.
    Lovely family!

  57. Pingback: Mantas V | La Maison Bisoux

  58. Pingback: Blankets / Couvertures | Knitted Art

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