The giveawayx2 winners!

March 1, 2013

Hello hello hello!

Time to pick up the two winners of the giveawayx2!

Are you reaaaady? Tadaaaaaaaaaaa!

The first winner is:


Number 133! And it is: Carolyn Geoffrey!! Congrats dear Carolyn 🙂

Carolyn which is comment number133 wrote:

Good morning, Angie…

Yes, it’s still morning in my part of the world (Texas).  And HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to you!!  And to your sweet children.

Hon, it’s not important to me whether or not I win.  I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and I so appreciate you letting all 2008 of us have a peek into your warm and wonderful life.  Your girls are beautiful and Baby Joe is a delight!!

I enjoy all the crochet patterns you have shared with us, and thank you very much for being so generous.

Have a very good day, my dear internet friend :)

Carolyn Geoffrey

Dear Carolyn, I hope you will enjoy your gift which is package1:


And the second winner is……


Number 30!! which is: Jutta! Congrats Jutta you are winner number2!!!

Jutta which is comment number30 wrote:

Well, Angie, you are and will be my inspiration! Congratulation for your success!!! Lots of Love from Germany

Jutta, I hope you will enjoy your gift which is:


Congratulations for both Carolyn and Jutta! I hope you will enjoy your gifts 🙂

Thank you! Thank you all for participating in my giveaway!

I really hope I could pick up all the 412 names and make you all winners …

Have a wonderful weekend my friend!


P.S: Dear Carolyn and Jutta…please e-mail me your adress at so I can post your gifts as soon as I can!



  1. Annie

    Bravo aux gagnantes!et merci à toi,bisous Sucrette

  2. cecilia

    Gracias a ti por tanta generosidad, cariños desde Argentina

  3. Angélique

    Vu que je comprend pas tout l’anglais je n’avais pas compris que tu faisais un jeu c’est pas grave hihihi
    Je voulais juste te dire aussi que j’ai testé ta superbe bordure Olé Olé sur mon plaid vague et j’ai adoré. Merci pour ce superbe tuto. (si cela t’intéresse il y a des photos sur mon blog plaid girly pop.
    Je te souhaite une belle journée 😉

  4. Daniela

    Congrats! And thanks Angie!

  5. Renate

    Congratulations to the happy winners!
    and it was good to know that you and your family are well again!
    lots of hugs
    Renate from Brazil

  6. Any de Chile


  7. Lilli

    Congratulations to the lucky winners!

    Happy weekend to you and your family.

  8. anny


  9. agiistar

    Congratulations!!!!! 🙂

  10. Ivani da Costa

    Annie dear,
    thanks for your generosity and congrats to the 2 winners!
    Hugs, Ivani from Brazil!


    Gracias desde Argentina! ya compré las instrucciones para hacerlo!!!

  12. carnam

    Congratulations to the winners! You lucky ones 🙂 ♥

  13. Debi

    Congrats to the winners!

    And thanks again for your generosity!

  14. Jutta

    Dear Angie,
    I can’t believe I’ve won!!!!
    I’ve never won something, and now something oh-so-nice, which will fill my heart with happiness each time I see it!!!

    Thank you so much, you made my week!

    Greets from Germany

    PS: I just mailed you!

  15. Pingback: This made my week » Die Ehefrau...

  16. beberouge

    Congrats lucky ladies!!! And thanks for giving us all the wonderful chance. xx

  17. Carolyn Geoffrey

    Like Jutta, I can scarcely believe I am lucky enough to have won. Thank you very much Angie for your generosity. You are the greatest!! The yarn is gorgeous and can’t wait to get it and make something with it 🙂

    Again, thank you, Angie 🙂

    Carolyn Geoffrey

  18. Trilli

    Congratulation to the winners

  19. Olga

    Thank you Angie for your giveaway! And congratulation for both Carolyn and Jutta!

    ~Olga~ Xx

  20. Lianne

    Congratulations to the winners, and thanks for hosting this great gove away.

  21. sophie

    Bonjour Angie
    J’adore ton blog et j’aime beaucoup ce que tu fais! Moi je débute le crochet!
    Je voulais te demander où je pouvais trouver le patron du joli napperon qui est sur les photos?
    Merci d’avance 🙂

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