
April 22, 2013

Good morning!

I’ve had the worst internet connection ever these past days and today it is still very bad but I couldn’t resist writing a new post…even though it is taking me ages to upload one single pic 🙁

How are you lovelies?

I’ve began a new baby blanket but this time it is for a little boy’s cousin 😉 due in july…

Here is the yarn…not my kind of colours but I think they are great for a baby…


what do you think? Do you love them?

and I started…


Yes, a ripple blankie… using this pattern 😉


I love ripples…It is one of the best things I like to crochet 🙂

And I’m loving how this one is turning out…



and I’m still working on the south bay shawlette too 😉


and and and…


I’m covering an old black stool with granny squares…yaaaay how I love granny squares…

Too many wips … one happy woman 🙂


Have a beautiful week my friend!




  1. Helene

    New baby blanket lovely! I too have many wip but love it. Helene

  2. Jenna

    Such a calming colours!
    Have to love the baby boy blanket.

    And that south bay shawlette is very beautiful.

  3. Jacekica

    Love this ripple and colours, although I am brigt and strong colours fan, love your colors …….
    I think if I don’t have enough wip’s I am not complete, it is important for sanity to have few in a progress and according to day and mood… you pisk up one or another or..third..fourth 🙂
    and I can hardly wait the end of this shawlette, love the colour, and pattern, plannin one for myself also.
    Kisses to baby Joe, and hi to girls!

  4. Stocki

    Love the baby boy colours Angie… very calming and soothing. It’s good to have a few WIPs isn’t it… I never feel like working on one project for long enough to finish it, but swapping around helps. Can’t wait to see the shawlette finished… Jill x

  5. Mary

    Im new here…
    Thank u for accepting me.
    I love to crochet
    I learnt n school n ireland n the old days….
    I love all ur stuff.
    Ur a busy woman.
    I love ur colours u have a good eye for colours…
    Thanks again
    Ill enjoy trying this one


  6. Sue

    I love the ripple and the colours are perfect for a boy. I want to try a ripple soon but I need time to concentrate 🙂

    I have 3 WIPs and that does not include a sewing project.

    Have a great week working on your crochet projects.

    • Lyn Z...

      Sue I have found that only the first two rows really require concentration and then it all flies on its own… good luck with the ripple…. I had trouble the first several times I tried until I found this pattern by Sucrette ~ its so easy to follow = I’ve made two, one as an afghan and the other as a scarf for a little girl!!!!

  7. Angélique

    TOn plaid vague va être superbe! 😉 bonne semaine xxx

  8. Any de Chile

    Hola Angie,

    Lindos colores….


  9. Debi

    Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

  10. forgetmenotsblue

    Lovely baby blanket it’s colours compliment each other beautifully.
    The shawl is great what stitch are you using there?
    A great idea to cover using granny squares I must try this 🙂 x

  11. Janine

    Hier, j’ai terminé le châle South Bay Chalette. Il est superbe et j’aimerais te remercier encore une fois pour le patron. Maintenant, je dois attendre la fin mai pour le donner pour l’anniversaire de naissance d’une amie. Je suis certaine qu’elle sera très contente, j’ai envoyé des photos du châle à une couple de membres de ma famille, et ils n’en revenaient pas comme c’est beau.
    Merci encore.

  12. Brigitte

    Very pretty, j’aime beaucoup ton choix de couleurs
    j’ai vraiment envie d’essayer ton patron !!!
    Have a nice day


  13. Anita

    I love the colors for the new baby blanket!

  14. julie z

    Ah, I too love the ripple! And tho I’m new to this world of crochet, I’m quickly learning that one wip is not enought! Currently I have 2 crochet wip, 1 knitting and one quilt under construction. I am one happy lady! Life is good! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Victoria

    Loving the colours in your chevron blanket. x

  16. Daine M

    …beautiful wips!

  17. anny

    Muy bonita
    feliz semana

  18. sharon kelley

    the colors of your new baby blanket are gorgeous! lovely and soft.

  19. Karen

    Ooh I love them all!! Especially the ripple, great colours 🙂 I love having lots of projects on the go too – lots to choose from! xx

  20. Angela

    Love the colors you chose for the ripple! Looks amazing! The shawlette is working up quickly! I love a granny square stool cover. Wonderful wips! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Lyn Z...

    Angie: these are not usually colors my eye would be attracted to but seeing them worked up as you have I AM thrilled to consider softer shades for my next ripply goodness!!! Just finished a ripple scarf for a little cousin!!!
    Thanx always for your color instincts, Joy, fantastic patterns and tutorials!
    Happy Today and Everyday!

  22. wendy

    Great ripple, oh and the other wip’s, I have lots lol

  23. Nijenn

    Bonjour Angie !

    Je découvre ton blog auquel je me suis abonnée et c’est un enchantement. Je fabrique des poupées textiles, mais je viens de me “remettre” au crochet après une très très longue interruption. Pour l’instant , je redécouvre des points oubliés (ils ont parfois changé de nom !) et je crochète des fleurs, des formes et grannies, histoire de me remettre dans le bain.
    Ton blog est une belle source d’inspiration.
    J’ai un faible pour tes grannies de tabouret ! Et j’aime beaucoup les chevrons de la baby blanket. Quant au beau châle rose, j’admire ! Le point est superbe. Mis il faudra que je me réentraîne un peu !
    Belle journée à toi.
    PS : Je me premtes de t’écrire en français parce que j’ai cru comprendre que cela te faisait plaisir… 😀


    loved your wips!!

  25. lulu

    beautiful colors

  26. Darlene Lehman

    What lovely, calm shades for the boys blanket!! I don’t often work on ripples, but maybe it is time for something different. I am seriously curious about that shawlette!! The color especially has me interested. Very beautiful!

  27. martichat

    Bonjour Sucrette,
    j’ai déjà eu l’occasion de visiter ton blog et de réaliser une blanket avec ton cercle dans le carré, je ne suis pas anglophone et tes diagrammes me rendent bien service.
    j’aimerais bien m’abonner à ton blog, mais je ne trouve pas comment faire : je ne suis pas sur les réseaux sociaux genre FB ou autre.
    bonne continuation, tes enfants sont superbes !
    cordialement. Martine C.

  28. martichat

    j’ai trouvé comment m’abonner, grâce à Nijenn et à toi ! je ne sais pas comment j’ai fait pour ne pas trouver hier… je devais être mal réveillée…
    bonne après-midi. Martine

  29. Lisa

    I think your projects are so pretty. I always have a few projects that I work on at the same time. I have been crocheting for almost 50 years, and I quilt also.
    Thank you for sharing all your beautiful work and patterns.
    Lisa in Alabama(USA)

  30. Teje

    Hi Angie! I love the blue colours in your new project! Stripes are like waves on the sea! Sorry to hear you have been in the hospital but happy to hear that you are well and back home! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs! x Teje

  31. Stel

    One can never have too many wips 🙂 Love the ripple you started, Angie. Will he number of rows per colour be random, or do you have a plan as you go along?

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