It’s all about him

December 24, 2013



More progress on my granny poncho…


I’ve crocheted 46 circles and began joining them on the front of the poncho…



I love it so far and can’t wait to finish it to wear it 🙂


Before closing this post, a pic of my nativity set just for us to remember that it’s all about him…


For a moment, forget about the presents, the food, the tree and decorations…

and remember that it is all about him 🙂

Jesus Christ is born! Allelouia!

Merry Christmas my friend!

May love, peace and joy fills your home and your heart!

Wishing you a blessed week!



  1. Alessandra

    buon natale !!!!!!!!!

    xxxxx Ale

  2. Carolyn

    You are so correct, Angie. It is all about Him. It is so sad that a lot of us tend to forget this most important fact, and instead concentrate on the gifts and the food.

    Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family 🙂

    Oh…and I LOVE your poncho that you are creating 🙂 Can’t wait to see pics of it when you get it completed.

    Carolyn Geoffrey

  3. Tinaspice

    Merry Christmas Angie!
    You’re the first person who’s mentioned the real meaning of Christmas – Thankyou!!

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family. And keep up the good work with the blog in 2014!

    Merry Christmas
    Tinaspice xXx

  4. Marie

    Joyeux Noël à toi et à toute ta famille, dans la joie et la paix !

  5. chris


  6. Madeleine

    Oh yes, it is all about HIM, we forget it so easily and there are not many people who mention it. Bless you Angie!

    Have a very nice christmas with your family, you are often in our prayers!

    Much love to you!

  7. Claudine

    Angie, un très Joyeux Noël à vous ainsi qu’à toute votre belle petite famille.

  8. elisabeth chaproniere

    So many think they know what Christmas is all about and they all miss the point! It IS all about Jesus Christ!!! Born this day to save us!!!

    I wish there were more sites like yours! Many thanks!

  9. Dorothy

    Enjoy all your posts. May you and your family have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas.

  10. Ada Bea

    It’s wonderful… it! Have a joyful, peaceful Christmas! 🙂 x

  11. Anyvette de Chile


    Una muy Feliz Navidad junto a tu hermosa familia…….

    Muchas gracias por todas tus creaciones…..

  12. Flo H

    Good morning Angie, Merry Christmas to you and yours and a blessed Happy New Year!

  13. Dominique

    Un très beau Noël pour vous et toute la famille. Merci pour toutes ces belles réalisations que vous nous montrez.

  14. Fran

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  15. cristina

    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your poncho will be gorgeous!
    Kisses from Catalonia! and my best wishes for you and your family!

  16. Lucie

    Joyeux Noël à toi et à tout ton petit monde, Angie !

  17. Debi Y.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🙂

  18. Becky

    Merry Christmas!

  19. Joyce

    Love your work! Merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing the finished product. Joyce

  20. Janine

    Joyeux Noël Angie à toi et toute ta famille et j’espère que la nouvelle année sera remplie de paix, joie et santé.
    Janine xoxo

    p.s. et beaucoup de tricot…

  21. Jacekica

    Yes, it is all about Him. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!

  22. Linda

    Yes, yes it’s all about Jesus!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have so enjoyed your posts this year. I look forward to 2014 to see what “creative juices” flow from your mind to your creations. God’s blessings to you and your family in the year 2014.

  23. Lynne

    Happy Christmas to you. Your Nativity set is beautiful. It is all about Jesus! Alleluia!

  24. modestine

    You are right, it is all about him, your nativity is lovely!I hope you had a very happy Cristmas with you family… You have done very well with your poncho! Anne

  25. Deniece

    Thank you for your site. It is a blessing to me. He is the reason for the season and no one else. Thank you for reminding us again. We always need reminding. Everyone does. I hope your family had an exceptional Christmas and that the New Year will bring peace to your area.

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