Grannies tadaaaaaaaaa

June 4, 2014

Morning beautiful people!

I’ve finished my granny squares blanket and I am very proud to show it to you today 🙂

Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy 😉






Here are some technical infos for you between the pics:

* Yarn: Mirage (a 100% acrylic yarn). I don’t know exactly how much yarn I used because I used mostly scraps and 3 balls of 100g of white. I think it is a total of 10 balls of 100g each or maybe a little bit less…

* Hook: 3.5mm

* Square: A 6 rounds (the last one in white) traditional granny square. You can find its graphic HERE!

* Joining: I joined my squares with the last white round as-I-go. You can find more about this joining method in Lucy’s wonderful blog HERE!

* Dimensions: Appr. 240×100 cm with a total of 128 squares

* Edging: Clusters of 3dc (as for the square) but with a picot between the clusters instead of 1 chain. (To make the picots, I crochet 3chain and then 1 sc in the first chain). I love this simple edging and keep using it 🙂






This blanket is making me very happy. It transformed our room making it fresher and warmer at the same time 🙂 I love that every time I enter our room I have a smile on my face 🙂

Crochet, my dear friend, is magical 🙂

I hope that you enjoyed these 10 pics of my latest blanket …

Sending you all my love through this post!

Take care



  1. Gabi


  2. Yakéné

    Bravo toutes ces couleurs sont magnifiques. Tu as très bien réussi ce couvre-lit. Il apporte gaieté et joie dans ta pièce. Félicitations!!!!!Bonne fin de semaine.

    • Sucrette

      Merci beaucoup et bonne fin de semaine a toi aussi!

  3. Helene

    Your work always makes me smile and happy! From South Africa

  4. Rebecca


  5. Dane

    il est magnifique, jolie réalisation, il est juste parfait!! tu as fait une très belle création je te dit bravo l’ artiste une jolie chambre bien personnalisée biz a bientôt je termine l’ assemblage de ma jupe en grannys moi aussi

  6. Berna Struwig

    Morning, delightful person ! I so wish I knew you personally.
    Your grannie squares blanket is absolutely out of this world beautiful!
    Bon, bon, bon !
    Your blog always delights me. Your photos are lovely and just inspire me to crochet and be creative. It lifts my heart.
    I live in Cape Town in South Africa.
    You must be French! My granddaughter and her husband and two babies live in Grenoble and I simply love it there when I go visiting.
    So I am a great-grannie and so proud ! I am 78, but still going strong. I have a daughter with 3 daughters and three babies each of my daughter’s daughters! They live in California and I hop on a plane and visit them regularly. My son is a plastic surgeon here in Cape Town and my youngest son has a business. Although my husband died in 2011 and I miss him so, I am a blessed woman in so many ways.
    Please send me a note, my dear!
    Kindest regards, Berna.

    • Sucrette

      Thank you so much for this cheerful comment and this little peek on your family 🙂 It is always a pleasure for me reading comments like yours. I am Lebanese and I live in Lebanon a very small country in the Middle East. Very happy to have you between my followers 🙂
      Sendind you lots of kisses from Beirut to Cape Town.

  7. Madeleine


  8. Sandra

    Your new bed cover is just beautiful. I love the square joined by a row of white, so fresh looking!

  9. Maureen

    ta-DA !!!! Wow, Angie, it is beautiful beyond words. It’s like looking at a flower garden. (And I see your bedroom is painted the same color as ours.) May many blessings rest upon you and your family this week, m & jb

  10. Claire Caruso

    Your blanket is so beautiful! I love your use of colors. It is so cheerful. Thank you for sharing your words and craft with us.

  11. Dorothy

    What a beautiful blanket Sucrette. I love how the white borders make those colours really jump out. You’ve done an excellent job on it and I hope you get many many years of happiness using it. xox

  12. Anyvette de Chile


    Me encantó ¡¡¡, se ve realmente hermoso ¡¡¡, tus trabajos siempre entregan alegría…los colores son muy lindos….

  13. Lucie drolet

    C’est vraiment très joli. Ça donne du “punch” à la chambre.

  14. b.géraldine

    Vraiment magnifique ! Bravo ! Merci de nous faire partager ces moments très colorés !

  15. Cindy

    love it! your home looks so happy 🙂

  16. Niki

    Wow, that is so pretty and so neat. I love the edging, very simple but so effective and really completes it 🙂 x

  17. Eva

    It came out really nice. I just started

  18. Annie

    Superbe!bravo Sucrette!bises

  19. Joan

    So bright and cheery! Beautiful!

  20. Susan DiMucci

    Your blanket is absolutely wonderful. I love the colors you use and your work is always soooo neat. May peace and love be with you and your family.

  21. Julierose

    Lovely afghan finish! It looks just so pretty on your bed.!! hugs, Julierose

  22. Gramma Rita

    Your granny blanket is gorgeous! Love all the pretty colors! 🙂

  23. Karen

    Gorgeous! Just gorgeous! xx

  24. GerryART

    Your entire room is so wonderful, Angie
    I love ALL of it
    Your blanket is truly the jewel that tops it off !!!

    Many hugs
    From across the miles


  25. Barbara Reichard

    Your afghan does make me smile too. I have been planning on making a granny square afghan outlined in white like yours for a long time. This maybe the motivation I need to get started on mine. Thanks so much for sharing your excellent work. :).

  26. Linda

    BEAUTIFUL!! Oh, I just LOVE it! Congrats on finishing it! And what a beautiful, simple edging you decided to use. It really is a perfect finish for that blanket. So happy for you! Enjoy!! :). (And thank you for sharing with us as well!)

  27. Carrie

    What a lovely happy blanket with feelings of summer and jewel like colours! thank you for sharing it and for the inspiration xxx

  28. Suzan


  29. Šárka

    The blanket is beautiful, as are the pictures! And what a lovely bedroom you have! No bwonder you smile every time you enter it 🙂

  30. wendy

    It is beautiful ☺☺☺☺☺☺

  31. Thu

    What a gorgeous blanket! Nothing quite beats a granny square for feel good colour injection. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Edith

    Your bedroom looks so cosy and colourful, the blanket is lovely and just adds to the charm of a perfect space.

  33. soleillucie

    Le coup de coeur de ma journée! Bravo!

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