
You can e-mail me at:


and I’ll try my best to reply as soon as I can!

Thank you 🙂


  1. Lee Smith

    Dear Angie,
    I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time, and don’t think that I’ve ever written to tell you how much I enjoy it, and felt that I should write to tell you so. I appreciate your sharing your beautiful patterns and am inspired with your gorgeous work. 🙂 My husband I I have two young children as well, but they are both boys (ages 19 months and 4 years, 11 months). Have a great week. 🙂

  2. Tina

    Dear Angie,
    I saw some of your work on facebook and i was so interested to check your website, what a wonderful work that you do!! Everything is just amazing. I would like to know where you are located and have an idea about the prices although your work worth a looooot specially because it is hand maded!
    Thank you so much, have a great week

  3. Jewel

    I simply adore your blog….do you find time to sleep from time to time.. I admire your creativity :-)))

  4. PixieMyers

    hello 🙂 I’m new to crochet and absolutely love what I have learnt so far! I love you blog, your bright patterns and your creativeness! I have listed you on my favourite blogs on my site and also linked to one of your patterns in one of my posts, hope you dont mind! 🙂

    Pixie xx

  5. carole

    I’ve just bought a pattern from you.

    I noticed on the photos that you have crocheted a circle granny circle…..you have it underneath a lamp. Do you have a pattern for the circle granny?

  6. caroline

    Je suis Française et découvre votre blog : que de merveilles et que de couleurs! Je vais essayer de faire le poncho pour ma petit fille de 3 mois

  7. Robin


    I LOVE your site! I’ve a beginner and I am having trouble making my granny squares even and SQUARE! I would love to have them look like yours. Any tips?

    Thank you:)

  8. Ananda

    Hi Angie,

    Your work is a pure delight to tired eyes!!! Thank you for the lovely graphics you publish – I am thoroughly enjoying using them. I have one question though, being new to crocheting: how many chain stitches do you use to start the centre of your granny squares for instance? No where do you indicate that? Keep up the good work, it is absolutely amazing and very inspiring!


  9. Chris

    Hi there
    if you have a look at my new postaon my blog you find something you can make for your new baby If you want I can give you the tutorial that I found

    Just let me know
    regards chris

  10. fabienne

    welk nr van garen en welk merk wordt gebruikt voor het oma vierkant en de zomerrimpel.mvg fabienne

  11. Mel

    Hello – i love the pics on this site! I would love how to learn to make these, but I’ve never done crochet before – how can i learn?

  12. Joumana

    Hello Angie

    Je suis arrivee a ton blog par hasard car moi aussi je fait du crochet et du tricot et du feutrage…
    J’aime bien ton blog et je suis tres fiere de toi.
    Si par hasard tu passe a Beyrouth, j’aimerais bien te donner des pelottes de
    laine Alpaca que j’ai fait venir du Perou.
    Moi j’habite a Beyrouth, entre l’hotel Summerland et le BHV.
    Si tu veux un jour passer , je serais ravie de te rencontrer.
    Mabrouk pour le bebe .
    Gros bisous
    (mon e-mail est: jyoussef23@hotmail.com)
    Tel: 03 222023 / 01 858540

  13. Kathy H.

    Hello..thank you so much for sharing your poncho pattern….
    I have a question about the pattern….
    how did you do the edging on the second picture? It is in green yarn..

    I’m going to make one for my great niece who will be 6 in December…

    Kathy H.

  14. Merideth Bilagody

    I’m curious to find out what blog platform you’re using? I’m experiencing some minor security issues with my latest website and I’d like to find something more safe. Do you have any suggestions?

  15. Maricarmen

    Hope is all well with u and your family….question…
    Usually u use DK yarn for your little socks????
    Thanks and Happy Holidays!!!!

  16. Grace

    I love your new pattern that you are starting!! love your blog too,
    great ideas and patterns. Thankyou for sharing!

  17. pascale

    je viens de decouvrir votre blog c est magnifique ltoutes ses couleurs donne du peps a la vie j habite dans l ouest de la france la NORMANDIE une region ou le ciel est souvent gris et il pleut beaucoup

  18. gale vanderella

    I enjoy all of your crochet work. Nice colors and patterns. I have used your pattern for the mosaic granny square and my pillow turnout lovely. Thank you. I was wondering how to crochet the classic square in two colors just like the granny shawl and make the half squares into a pinwheel pattern. Thank you very much for all your patterns and lovely colors. Your family photo is lovely:) Thanks again.

  19. Jennifer

    Hello Sucrette
    You have mentioned that you use CoralDraw to create your pattern charts. Will you ever consider doing a tututial or posting instructions on how to create one? I have CoralDraw and I can’t figure it out. I have ideas for new creations (especially blankets in the round), however I can’t figure out how to make them look neat consistantly and I think that using that program would help. Thanks so much for your inspiration.

  20. Isabelle Moreau

    Bravo pour votre beau travail, votre créativité et ce monde riche en couleur.
    Je suis bien en peine pour réaliser une fleur au crochet et j’ai épuisé toutes mes ressources de traduction pour passer le cap du deuxième rang! C’est vous dire…Est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider en traduisant ce tutoriel:
    Ce serait vraiment vraiment gentil.
    Avec tous mes remerciements
    Bien cordialement,

  21. Neha

    Hi Sucrette!

    Your granny squares inspire me to make my own and then make so many things out of them! I simply love the colours that I see in your work.
    And I love your vintage blanket as well. I had a question on it – are you doing 1 treble (UK) and 1 chain or is it just continuous trebles in it?

    Many thanks for your inspiration and reply!!

    • Sucrette

      It is continuous trebles 🙂 happy crocheting!

  22. Naomi

    Hi Sucrette

    Sorry to bother you, your poncho diagram shows a chain of 62 I am confused, I chained 72, shouldn’t I get 18 clusters?
    What do I do after I connect where does the 1st 2 DC and chain go

    Thanks, visually I am having a problem seeing it

    • Sucrette

      Dear Naomi,
      If you began like me with 72chain you should get 16 clusters of trebles and not 18.
      You close each round with a sc… You can see it on the graph….it is the small x….
      When you close your round with the sc, you can begin your next round right there on the chain of the previous round and not on the clusters of the prev round…
      Hope that this makes sense…
      Happy crocheting!

  23. Mary-Ann T. Schoen

    Wow! What beautiful work here. The young girls are so cute and even cuter with their ponchos. I am trying to get the pattern but can’t find exactly where I can print it. I want to make an adult poncho for myself and will need to find a larger pattern for one, but one that looks simple as the one you show on your website. Thank you very much for having these pictures available for us to see and encourage us to get busy with fun. It’s so good to learn new things from others.

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